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School News
Posted Monday, May 6, 2024
Roger Bacon is proud to announce that Lauren Jones '24 and Anaya Savage '24 earned special recognition in this year's Caring for our Watersheds competition for the State of Ohio!
In the competition, students answer the question : "What can we do to improve our watershed?" Students identify an environmental concern that impacts the watersheds in the State of Ohio and then come up with an idea to address the concern. Students then submit written proposals to support their idea and all finalists and those who earned special recognition were honored at a banquet at the Cincinnati Zoo in April.
Lauren and Anaya's project "Purify the Ohio River" earned special recognition and they were given certificates at the banquet for their great work!
Science teacher, Sara Russell said, "I am so proud for Lauren and Anaya and their special recognition. This is the first year Roger Bacon participated in this contest and it was great to see their hard work and great idea pay off. I look forward to seeing how both succeed in the future."
Congratulations to Lauren and Anaya on this great recognition. All of Roger Bacon is very proud of you!