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Evening for Excellence $10,000 Grand Raffle sponsored by the Roger Bacon Alumni Association! Click DETAILS to purchase your chances!


About Roger Bacon

Roger Bacon High School, established in 1928, is a Catholic, Franciscan co-educational high school that takes pride in its history of strong academics and community outreach. Our academic programs mesh with our Franciscan values and help us to attain our goal of developing the mind, body, heart and soul of the students entrusted to our care.

Roger Bacon High School has 520 students enrolled in grades 9-12 for this school year, allowing us to create a personal high school experience for each student. Roger Bacon is a school everyone knows your student by name, and no one is ever lost or falls through a crack.

Our Mission Statement

Rooted in the Franciscan values of holiness and learning, self-discipline and compassion, Roger Bacon is a Catholic high school which develops the hearts, minds, and bodies of its young men and women in a caring and challenging environment.

The Franciscans

Franciscan education is committed to the development of the "whole person." Graduates of Roger Bacon are instilled with the skills necessary for a lifetime of learning, an appreciation for those less fortunate, and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

The rich Franciscan tradition

Faces of Roger Bacon

Roger Bacon is made up of many faces, different faces. Over 24,000 amazing students, teachers, staff and alumni make up the Roger Bacon family. Every other week, we feature one of the many Faces of RB.

Meet our Spartans

Spirit Shop

Shop in-person or online for the latest Roger Bacon uniform and spirit wear. Show your Spartan Pride with gear customized for your favorite Roger Bacon club or sports team!

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