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Shakespeare's back to the RB stage after over 10 years with the production of “HAMLET” this fall!

The classic works of Shakespeare made their way back to the RB stage after over 10 years with the production of “HAMLET” this fall.

The epic tragedy brought new challenges to the Drama Guild that saw our actors memorizing traditional Shakespearean iambic pentameter; our crew utilizing new camera and lighting effects; our stage covered in fun-house mirrors; and our production testing new effects in stage combat and makeup. With the modern setting, and use of current technology, the tragedy of Hamlet was brought into the 21st century and made relatable to high school students. We were even able to collaborate with the English department as courses read “Hamlet” in class to prepare.

The fall production saw an increase in participation from last year’s play and continued growth and excitement in the Drama Guild and RB performing arts.

Thank You to all those who came and supported the show – and remember: “To Thine Own Self Be True!”