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Junior Jocelyn Carraher Honored by Northwest Exchange Club

Roger Bacon Junior Jocelyn Carraher was honored by the Northwest Exchange Club as their "Youth-of-the-Month."

Jocelyn was chosen from a group of nominees that included fellow Roger Bacon students Nathan Drago, Cammy Niesen, Abby Stewart, Justin Dihn, and Dylan Rolfert.

The Northwest Exchange Club chooses a “Youth-of-the-Month” every year at each of the following high schools: Northwest, Colerain, North College Hill, Mt. Healthy, LaSalle, Mercy McAuley, and Roger Bacon. Students are chosen based on their academics, leadership, school activities, and community service. Each Youth of the Month is awarded $100 and recognized at a breakfast with their parents at Clovernook Country Club. At the end of the school year, all seven winners are invited to the "Youth-of-the-Year" banquet, where they will deliver an essay on a topic provided in advance. At that time, a Youth-of-the-Year is chosen and awarded $500. After that, they have the opportunity to compete at District and National levels with an ultimate prize of $10,000.

Congratulations to Jocelyn and her fellow nominees!