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School News
Posted Thursday, May 2, 2024
Roger Bacon's annual end-of-year student recognition continues today as we celebrate four more exceptional students.
The Nicholas Rieder Scholarship honors former teacher Nick Reider, who for 20-years devoted himself to the students of Roger Bacon, teaching English, Chemistry, and German, as well as serving as Academic Dean and Dean of Discipline. To honor his dedication to exemplary academic standards, Roger Bacon instituted a scholarship that is awarded to the junior student, who, after five semesters, has the highest class rank based on his or her weighted GPA, and is also of excellent character. This year's recipient of the Nicholas Rieder Scholarship is Maya DeStazio
William Carey was a beloved English teacher that taught at Roger Bacon for 42 years, coached swimming and track, and served as the yearbook moderator. The William Carey Scholarship is presented to a junior who excels in our AP Seminar course, demonstrated by exceptional skills in writing. This year's recipient of the William Carey Scholarship is Alisa King.
Fr. Andrew Fox served Roger Bacon for 25 years, 17 of those as Principal. Fr. Fox was the embodiment of the spirit of Roger Bacon. With a strong emphasis on academics, and vigorous athletics and band programs, Fr. Fox showed a genuine interest in all of the students. The Fr. Andrew Fox Leadership Scholarship is presented to the junior students that represents discipline, dependability, integrity, and the pursuit of excellence. This year's recipient of the Fr. Andrew Fox Leadership Scholarship is Cammy Jones.
The Spartan Achievement Scholarship is given to a junior who clearly demonstrates strong initiative, discipline, and personal integrity, as well as leadership potential while pursuing academic excellence. This year's recipient of the Spartan Achievement Award is Claire Evans.
Congrats to all of our award recipients! Forward to Greater Things