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Roger Bacon High School Announces Class of 2027 Assisi Scholars

Roger Bacon High School is proud to announce the Class of 2027 Assisi Scholars!

The Assisi Scholars Program is designed to offer rigorous academic, spiritual and leadership growth. Students will demonstrate their excellence in academics and in other school and community initiatives. Scholars will be rewarded for their achievements with a pilgrimage to Assisi, Italy in their senior year! On April 25, the latest group of Assisi Scholars from the Class of 2027 was announced.

"The Assisi Scholar Program fosters the growth of a community of learners and provides a challenging curriculum with two culminating experiences – an academic capstone presentation and a pilgrimage to Italy. Today we announced the members of the class of 2027 Assisi Scholar Cohort, comprised of 30 students selected based on a review of grades, teacher feedback, and a written application," said Dean of Academics, Julie Vehorn. "Most importantly, these students are willing to challenge themselves and support each other on their Roger Bacon journey."

Congratulations to this group of exceptional students listed below!

Kelsey Berling Zoey Eagan Emma Eaves Maya Fertick
Serenity Fox Jack Ghering Luke Hoelzle Allison Hostler
Kaitlyn Hutzel Piper Lowe Joseph McCabe Margaret McCormick
Luke Miller Molly Mohr Benjamin Myers Maya Nixon
Hunter Pauley Benjamin Radecki Elise Reilly Hayden Rolfert
Helen Russell Amelia Sebens Ella Sokolis Makenna Stewart
Karis Stoxen Elizabeth Strouble Eliana Wurzelbacher Zachary Zimmer
Mark Zlatic Joseph Zlatic