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School News
Posted Thursday, November 9, 2023
Roger Bacon was thrilled to welcome more than 120 military veterans to campus this morning, as we celebrated their service to our country with our annual Veterans Day Breakfast. It was an opportunity for our students to learn more about the sacrifices these brave men and women made for our country, as well as a chance to us to say "thank you" for their service.
Roger Bacon also had the privilege to honor Ray Schnurr with a special surprise this morning. Mr. Schnurr enrolled at Roger Bacon in 1940, and completed his sophomore year in 1942 when he had to withdraw, enlisting in the Navy to fight in World War II, never receiving his diploma from Roger Bacon. Over the years, Mr. Schnur saw his own children, grandchildren, and now great-grandchildren attend Roger Bacon. This morning, with his family present, President Steve Schad and Principal Tim McCoy finally presented Mr. Schnur with his own diploma, honoring him as a graduate 79 years after leaving to fight for our country.
To all of the veterans out there - THANK YOU.