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School News
Posted Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Roger Bacon High School is proud to announce the creation of the Michelle Heitz Miller Memorial Scholarship at Roger Bacon High School. This need-based endowed scholarship honors the legacy of Michelle Heitz Miller, a 1991 graduate of Roger Bacon, who passed away in 2014 after facing cancer with courage, strength, and love for nearly five years. As a young single mother, Michelle deeply believed in the transformative power of Catholic education. Her faith and dedication were evident in her unwavering commitment to her daughters, Melissa Miller ‘11, Nicole Miller Kemmere ‘12.
Her brother, Stephen Heitz ’99, shared: “As I reflect on our time together, Michelle exemplified the Franciscan charism through her sense of community, kindness, and joyful service to others. As her cancer progressed we encouraged each other to live life abundantly with courage, strength, and love. St. Francis of Assisi’s ministry was built on creating a strong church through relationships with all of God’s people, rather than focusing on magnificent buildings—and that perfectly describes Michelle’s ministerial life. My wife and I established this scholarship with that same courage, strength, and love for others that Michelle bestowed on us. This scholarship will continue Michelle’s inclusive legacy by supporting future generations of Roger Bacon students who embody the values she lived every day.”
Stephen Heitz ’99 is a Managing Partner at Savant Wealth Management. Dr. Stephanie Heitz, EdD, a lay Associate of the Sisters of Mercy, serves as the Director of Operations and Finance at Mercy Academy in Louisville, KY. They are active members of the Catholic community at St. William in Louisville, where they reside with their three children, Lillian, Spencer, and Ella. If you would like to contribute to the Michelle Heitz Miller Memorial Scholarship Fund, click here and enter “Michelle Heitz Miller” in the scholarship fund name, or contact Brandon Speath at bspeath@rogerbacon.org or (513) 641-1300