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School News
Posted Monday, May 13, 2024
Our final week of Honors recognition recognizes more scholarship recipients.
Adam Hortemiller was a 2005 graduate of Roger Bacon. Although diagnosed with a brain tumor at age 10, he remained determined and committed to doing his best each day. Adam loved Roger Bacon and showed dedication to his school and work while sharing his wonderful sense of humor with everyone who had the pleasure of knowing him. To honor his memory, Adam’s family established a scholarship for a freshman student who displays a spirit of determination, willingness to work hard, and courage in the face of personal challenges. The recipient should also be a good classmate and loyal friend, and a student who shows respect for their teachers and peers.
The 2024 Adam Hortemiller Scholarship is awarded to Zachary Zimmer.
The Willard "Red" and Mary Stoll Family Scholarship was established in memory of Willard "Red" and Mary Stoll. Their faith and Catholic education were extremely important to them. Through sacrifice and hard work, Red and Mary sent each of their children, from kindergarten through high school, to a Catholic school. This scholarship is awarded to a student based on his or her work ethic and involvement in Roger Bacon and in the broader community.
The 2024 Willard "Red" and Mary Stoll Family Scholarship is presented to Eli Meyer.
William Ledwin was a member of the Roger Bacon class of 1955. He appreciated his Franciscan education and believed it helped provide the foundation for his success in life. He was a thoughtful, generous, talented person who believed in the importance of faith, family, and friends. After graduating from Xavier University, he went on to a successful career with the Western Southern Company. Upon his death in 2015, a scholarship was set up in his honor to recognize students who exhibit similar characteristics and the Franciscan values which were the foundation of Bill Ledwin’s life.
The 2024 Western & Southern William F. Ledwin Scholarship is presented to Morgan Heinrich and Devon
Patrick Wolterman was a 2005 graduate of Roger Bacon High School and a proud member of the football team. Though he had scholarship offers to play football in college, he passed on them so that he could fulfill his dream of becoming a firefighter. On December 28, 2015, as a member of the Hamilton Fire Department, Patrick entered a burning house to rescue the elderly residents he believed were inside. He lost his life that day in the line of duty. To honor his memory and remember his sacrifice, Patrick's family established a scholarship to be given to a member of the junior class who is a committed student and shows compassion to others.
The 2024 Patrick Wolterman Memorial Scholarship is presented to Braden Rice.