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Name of New Atrium Revealed

October 2nd, 2024 was a historical day for Roger Bacon High School. In a ceremony held in the Carol Dauwe Fine Arts Center, it was announced that the new atrium to be built as part of the “We are the Good Soil” capital campaign will be named the “Anne Nurre Heidt Atrium.”

Anne, affectionally referred to as Fritzi, grew up in St. Bernard and attended St. Clement School and graduated from Our Lady of the Angels (OLA) High School in 1944. She reflected the ideals of St. Francis and St. Clare. In addition to being an OLA alumna, she was a speech therapist, professional model, volunteer extraordinaire, philanthropist, travel guide, noted speaker, teacher, and devoted to her family and faith. She is a true embodiment of the “good soil” we strive to create.

We hope to break ground on the new atrium in March 2025 with an anticipated completion date of August 2026. In addition to increasing student safety, the atrium will contain a dedicated chapel – the first such chapel in the history of Roger Bacon.

In addition to guests that included members of the Heidt and Nurre families, we were blessed having numerous alum and supporters of Roger Bacon in attendance. The Class of 2028, our 100th graduating class, was there to represent Roger Bacon.

Pope Francis challenges us as such: “Don’t be scared – dare to have fabulous plans. I encourage you to not be afraid to dream, to have great ideals, to be builders of hope.”

Please keep us in your prayers as we move forward with these fabulous plans and strive to be builders of hope for this and future Spartan generations.

To see news coverage of the event, click here.