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School News
Posted Wednesday, May 15, 2024
The newly named Fr. Roger Lopez Service Award recognizes seniors who have volunteered 100 or more hours during their time at Roger Bacon. Thank you to the following students for your commitment to service: Sophia Barlow-Siegel, Finn Bell, Grace Cartuyvelles, Jack Geers, Adam Ghering, Kaeley Hawkins, Rylie Hungler, Lauren Jones, Daphne McCabe, Gracie Smart, Amaria Wilkinson
Br. Conrad Rebmann founded the Roger Bacon Community Outreach Program. In his honor, an award is given to a senior whose time and efforts have contributed to the growth and quality of the Community Outreach Program, while following Br. Conrad’s example of caring for those in need and being a peacemaker in the community.
Congratulations to this years recipient of the Brother Conrad Rebmann award, Julia Metz.