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ESPN to Air Documentary on The Chosen Ones: The Team That Beat LeBron on Sunday

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of Roger Bacon's 2002 boys basketball state championship win over LeBron James and St. Vincent / St. Mary's, ESPN will be airing a special documentary Sunday morning. Roger Bacon was the only high school team to defeat LeBron James as a high school player.

The ESPN documentary on "The Team that Beat LeBron" will be aired Sunday, March 13th, at 8:00 am. This first airing will be during the Sunday Morning Sportscenter beginning at 8:00 am, with the documentary to show during that hour, approximately around 8:25 am. It will then air again during the 11:00 am show, airing around the 11:25 AM mark. It will then air an additional three times Monday during the 3:00 am, 4:00 am, and 5:00 am time slots.

The documentary includes footage from the historic game, as well as interviews with coaches and players from the 2002 team. ESPN will also release an in-depth article on their website Sunday morning.

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