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Daphne McCabe '24 Wins 2024 St. Vincent de Paul Frassiti Scholarship

Roger Bacon is proud to announce that senior Daphne McCabe has been awarded the Frassiti Scholarship from the St. Vincent de Paul Society!

The Frassati Scholarship recognizes one outstanding student annually who has made their involvement with the Society of St. Vincent de Paul an integral part of their high school experience. The scholarship is named after Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati, who is named a Global Patron and Companion for Youth and Young Adults. Like Bl. Frassati, the recognized student shows their dedication to growing in Faith, Friendship, and Service as a young Vincentian, working to bring faith alive through service to others. This student inspires and meaningfully engages with other students and neighbors. This student’s expression and practice of their faith is rooted in charity, justice, love, and compassion in the spirit of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati.

RB St. Vincent De Paul Society Conference chair Ms. Vehorn said, "Daphne truly embodies the joy of service and connecting with others as an expression of her Catholic faith. She has been a valuable member and leader of our conference, and I know that she will continue to make a positive impact on the world and the people she meets along the way."

Congratulations, Daphne and thank you for all you have done to make the RB conference of the St. Vincent de Paul Society so great!