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Class of 2020 Top Ten - 6 & 5

Congratulations to the Class of 2020 Top Ten!

As the year comes to a close, we are showcasing the students who, through their hard work and dedication, are graduating at the top of their class.

6: Rebecca Mae Spears

Acceptances: NKU, Xavier, Ball State, Pace University, University of Southern California
Future plans: Becca plans to take a gap year to save money and further explore her college options, with the intention of starting college in Fall 2021.

Becca says the thing she will miss most about Roger Bacon is the arts program, especially Drama Guild and RB3. She said, "I’m really sad that the seniors couldn’t have our last musical due to COVID-19, but I’m so happy we were all able to grow together in the Drama Guild during these last 4 years!"

Next year, Becca is looking forward to having a short break from school next year to really decide what career she wants to pursue. "I think it’s important to remember that there are other options out there besides going to college straight out of high school," she said."It’s okay to not know what you want to do, and if you get to college and decide to switch majors, that’s fine too."

5: Wongel Yohannes

Acceptances: University of Cincinnati, Miami University, Xavier University, University of Dayton
College and Major: University of Cincinnati DAAP Program for Architecture
Total Scholarships Offered: $210,000

Wongel said, "The reason I chose the University of Cincinnati is because it provides a welcoming environment, and the faculty and staff won’t hesitate to assist you in fulfilling your needs. Also, I felt that this school will provide me the right education I need in pursing my major." Wongel says the things she will miss most about Roger Bacon are the school's spirit and energy.