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School News
Posted Wednesday, June 17, 2020
Each year, talented students from all over Ohio have the opportunity to present projects at the State Science Fair. This year's even was held virtually, with students creating a video presentation to accompany their project. Dylan Cianciolo '22 earned a Superior, the highest rating offered at the state competition!
Dylan's project explored how the density of a medium affects the speed of light as it travels through it. Dylan said, "I chose this project after finding out I could measure the speed of light using a protractor, some paper, and some simple math. I knew that the molecular structure of objects affected light in various ways, so I wanted to see if a certain property of the molecular structure, it's density, would have any effect on the speed of light. As for my results, although my methods weren't perfect, I came to the conclusion that there didn't seem to be a direct connection between the two concepts."
Dylan competed at both the school and District science fairs, earning Superior ratings at both competitions before moving on to the state level. He has competed in science fairs since 7th grade. "One of my favorite things about the science fair has been the opportunity to learn and investigate new things in a unique way," Dylan said. "Instead of sitting behind a screen or book and reading about concepts, I get to play with the concepts. As someone who wants to do science for a living, specifically physics, I appreciate the Science fair immensely as I have learned more and more about how to do good science."
Dylan already has a few ideas for next year's project. We can't wait to see what he comes up with next!