Evening for Excellence $10,000 Grand Raffle sponsored by the Roger Bacon Alumni Association! Click DETAILS to purchase your chances!
School News
Posted Monday, January 30, 2023
Catholic Schools Week Activities: January 29 – February 4
Friday, January 27: Students receive “passports” in theology classes. The passports will be used for the next 2 weeks, as students can participate in various spiritual life activities happening around the school throughout the 2 week period. Each time the student participates, a stamp will be given on the passport. If a student has 8 or more stamps signifying participation in the events, he/she will receive a Chick-fil-a breakfast on a date TBD. All students (teachers & staff) are encouraged to participate in activities that make us unique and blessed to be a Franciscan Catholic school!
All week, Saint Vincent de Paul collection during flex!
Sunday, January 29: Students can take a selfie @ church with RB spirit wear submitted to theology teachers via Spartanlink assignment submission. Make sure to offer up thanksgiving at mass/service for being a member of a Catholic school!
Monday, January 30:
~Adoration all day in the FAC – students will attend during all theology classes. Parents/Alumni will be present for hour increments to pray in front of the Blessed Sacrament, praying for the RB community.
~Video Conference with Archbishop – a few members of God Squad will participate
~Special Letter to Parents/Guardians via email
Tuesday, January 31:
~Liturgy of the Hours, 7:15am, Chapel
~Cathedral Liturgy at St. Peters in Chains – God Squad Students to attend
~Grade School Teacher letter writing during flex
~Teacher/Staff appreciation – donuts in morning, raffle all day over announcements
~Dress Down Day in class color! For Feast of St. Francis celebration this year, we assigned colors to each class. You can wear those colors again! fresh – green, soph – yellow/gold, juniors – brown, seniors – white, faculty/staff – blue
Wednesday, February 1:
~All School Liturgy (off campus lunch – seniors): teachers/staff years of service awards presented/Special presentation at mass/Special message to alumni & benefactors!
~Faculty/Staff community lunch – ITC WE WILL HAVE CHICK-FIL-A!
~Salvation Sandwiches after school in spiritual life office
Thursday, February 2:
~Coffee with Christ, 7:20, Spiritual Life Office (Come start the day with prayer!)
~Saints Trivia Game - Life of Saint clues will be given at the top of every bell and students encouraged to figure out what saint it is, submitting answers during flex for a chance to win a gift card!
Friday, February 3:
~Dress Down Day, $1.00 participation – collection is for Junior Theology Kiva mini microloans project
~Art Prayer, flex, ITC
~Praying the Rosary, flex, with Mr. Schad – location to be announced
Saturday, February 4: Selfie of Random Act of Kindness with RB spirit wear on – submit to theology teacher via spartanlink assignments.
Sunday, February 5: Picture of family activity with RB spirit wear on – submit to theology teacher via spartanlink assignment.
Tuesday, February 7: Care Pax, flex, ITC
Thursday, February 9: Salvation Sandwiches after school, spiritual life office
Friday, February 10: Spartan Leader Guest Speaker presentation during flex – location to be announced later
Monday, February 13 – TURN IN THE PASSPORT TO THEOLOGY TEACHER if you have 8 or more stamped blocks!