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School News
Posted Wednesday, November 13, 2024
We are proud to introduce our newest endowed scholarship at Roger Bacon High School – the Amanda Watkins Dunn Memorial Scholarship.
This scholarship was created to honor Amanda Watkins who was a 1996 graduate of Roger Bacon High School who passed away in 2016 after a battle with cancer for nearly 3 years. Amanda represented everything it means to be a Spartan as she always put others before herself and always wanted to give back.
Her brother, Tommy Watkins ’98, says "We are thrilled to help the amazing students of Roger Bacon while ensuring Amanda’s name lives on forever. The students and culture of Roger Bacon embody everything she stood for and it makes it easy to want to give back. My wife, Nikki, and I have made it our mission over the last six years to make this happen and we couldn't have done it without our committee, volunteers and this community. It fills our hearts to give back to this amazing school."
A major objective of our campaign to grow our endowment through endowed scholarships. These endowed scholarships live on forever and will impact Spartans now and for years to come. If you are interested in learning more on endowing a scholarship for a loved one, please email Brandon Spaeth ’11 at bspaeth@rogerbacon.org. To date, we have over 80 endowed scholarships that assist our students and families with tuition.