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23 SpARTans recognized at the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards

The annual Scholastic Art and Writing Awards are the nation’s longest-running, most prestigious recognition for creative students grades 7-12. The Regional Awards includes Southwest Ohio, Northern Kentucky and Southeast Indiana and the winners have been announced, and Roger Bacon has several students receiving recognitions. 23 students won over 35 awards all together! A giant shout out to all of our talented artists! Out of the total awards, the following students received Silver Key medals: Sam Ater de Lemos, Joe Britton, Claire Evans, Jewel Lemus, Ava Schildmeyer, Terrance Todd, Cecilia Rice (2!), and Laney Sand (3!)This year’s most decorated student, earning 4 recognitions including a Silver Key AND a Gold Key was Lilith Hargis. Her Gold Key honored photography will automatically advance to New York City for National judging! Congratulations to all of our winners. We are so proud of you! All of your hard work and efforts have paid off! Good luck moving forward. Go SpARTans!