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School News
Posted Monday, May 8, 2023
We are proud to announce that Roger Bacon has surpassed its $100,000 goal for our two projects coming up this summer! Thank you to all our generous supporters who helped us reach this goal!
Please see below for a recap of our two projects that are now fully funded for this summer!
Work is underway to renovate and redesign the Chemistry Lab. The goal is to update work stations to make them more accessible and practical. Stations will be redesigned to permit ease of use for both lectures and lab activities.
It is hoped that work will take place over the summer and the lab will be ready for use at the beginning of the 2023/24 school year.
We are working with Br. Gene Mayer, OFM to ship replaced equipment and supplies to Ghana to support a Franciscan mission located there.
EverAlert will replace our current bell, clock and announcement systems and position the school for future expansion while meeting a key goal of the Strategic Plan – increasing campus security. EverAlert provides the following: delivers critical, clear and timely messages during threats, displays alerts following alarm activation or NOAA severe weather notifications and Integrates with our current fire alarm system and allows communications directly to local authorities. EverAlert has the ability to display custom messages building-wide or by individual room, deliver current weather conditions and offers a variety of customizable screens.