Weekly Schedule:
- National Honors Society Ceremony, 7pm, FAC
- Varsity Baseball @ Cincinnati Country Day HS, 5pm
- COED Varsity Track @ Finneytown HS, 4pm
- Varsity Baseball vs. Norwood HS @ Ross Park, 5pm
- Varsity Softball vs. Clark Montessori HS @ Withrow HS, 5pm
- Varsity Lacrosse vs. Little Miami HS @ Little Miami Junior High, 6pm
- Varsity Volleyball @ LaSalle HS, 6pm
- Varsity Softball @ Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy, 5pm
- Varsity Lacrosse @ Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy, 6pm
- Varsity Volleyball @ McNicholas HS, 6pm
- Varsity Baseball vs. Norwood HS @ Upper Millcrest Park, 5pm
- Varsity Softball vs. Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy @ Vine St. Park, 5pm
- Varsity Lacrosse @ Cooper HS (KY), 6pm
- Varsity Softball vs. Cincinnati Christain HS @ Vine St. Park, 5pm
- SENIOR PARENT DANCE in the Fogarty Gym, 8-11pm
- Varsity Volleyball @ Carroll HS, 10am
- Varsity Volleyball vs. Chaminade Julienne HS @ Alter HS, 1pm
- Varsity Volleyball @ Alter HS, 2pm
- Varsity Baseball vs. Batavia HS @ Ross Park, 11am
- SENIOR PARENT DANCE: Friday, April 19th!
- the Senior Parent Dance is Friday, April 19th in the Fogarty from 8pm to 11pm.
- Tickets can be purchased via venmo, cash or check to the office, at lunch on Monday (4/15) or at the door the night of the dance.
- Please join us for a rodeo round-up which includes a mechanical bull, music, fun photo-ops and great music.
- There is even a chance to have your parent/student placed in our old time jail so bring some extra bail money with you! We hope to see you there!
- Please email pto@rogerbacon.org with any questions.
- It’s time for the annual talent show– “RB’s Got Talent!”
- Sign-ups for auditions are AVAILABLE THROUGH MONDAY APRIL 15th. Any student with any act can audition – even groups.
- Sign-up sheets for “RB’s Got Talent!” are on the board outside room 56 across from the Student Services office.
- Round 1 Auditions will take place on Tuesday April 16th after school in the FAC. Students MUST BE signed up by the end of school Monday April 15th.
- Juniors and Seniors – Prom is approaching! It will be held on Friday, April 26th from 7:30-11:30 at Great American Ballpark. Tickets will be sold Monday, March 25th through Friday, April 12thduring lunch and in Mr. Smith’s room before and after school. The cost will be $50 per ticket. Students must have the Parent Acknowledgement Letter and the Dance Guest Form (if bringing an outside date) signed to buy a ticket. Any questions – ask Mr. Smith.
- Summer Camps are right around the corner! Please spread the word! You can sign up for each camp, using the link below:
- GIRLS BASKETBALL: Any girl interested in playing basketball next season is invited to a meeting on Monday, April 15th after school in Coach Wiegand’s classroom (43). Contact Coach Wiegand if you have any questions.
- Grinders Lunch Accounts: Please get caught up on negative balances as soon as possible!
- Senior Exams
- Monday, May 20
7:45-7:55 Prayer, Announcements, Attendance
8:00 – 9:20 Math Exam
9:25 – 10:50 English Exam - Tuesday, May 21
7:55 – 9:20 Science Exam - Wednesday, May 22
7:55 – 9:20 Make-up Exams
- Underclass Exams
- Tuesday, May 28
7:45-7:55 Prayer, Announcements, Attendance
8:00-9:30 Math Exam
9:45-11:15 English Exam - Wednesday, May 29
7:45-7:55 Prayer, Announcements, Attendance
8:00-9:30 Social Studies Exam
9:45-11:15 Science Exam
11:30-1:00 Make-up/Conflict Exams - Thursday, May 26
7:45-9:15 Make-up exams
Please note . . . - Exams will be taken for all non-elective courses in the following departments: English, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies.
- Seniors may be exempt from exams if they earn a 90% average for the year or take an AP® Exam in the course. Underclass students may be exempt from exams if they earn a 93% average for the year or take an AP® Exam in the course.
- Students are expected to take exams during the designated time on the schedule.
- The conflict and make-up exam slots are intended for students who miss an exam on the first day or have two Math/Science classes.
- Exam grades count as 20% of the semester average. Study for your exams. Get a good night’s sleep. Eat a good breakfast in the morning.
- Lunch will not be served on exam days.
- Regular dress code is to be observed during exams.
- Stadium Parking: The gates will be left open from 7am-8am when school is in session. The gates will then close for the remainder of the school day, opening back up at 2pm. If you arrive late or leave early, please press the "call" button to have the gate opened by the main office.
- All tuition and fees need to be paid by May 20, 2024.
- Salvation Sandwiches on Wednesday, April 17th from 2:50 - 3:50 in room #23
- Please join Community Outreach on Tuesday April 16th for Care Pax. We will be making art to encourage sick people. Students should make their E-Hall passes to Mr. Kupiec.
- Please join Community Outreach on Thursday April 18th for Sow Love. We will be making art to encourage classmates and beautify our school. Students should make their E-Hall passes to Mr. Kupiec.
- Every Thursday-Coffee with Christ- presented by our Spiritual Life leaders, 7:30am.
Student Services
- Reminder that students who are currently receiving a Jon Peterson Special Needs scholarship can now renew the scholarship for next school year. Applications were emailed to parents last week. Please contact Ms. Smith with any questions atjsmith@rogerbacon.org
- Save the date for our next Wellness Wednesday- April 17th! Thank you for all the continued support of this event – we are so excited to see our students take some time for their mental wellness during this busy time of year.
- Seniors:
- Update Scoir- please update what colleges you have been admitted to and where you plan to enroll. This can all be done in the My Colleges section on Scoir.
- You mark where you are enrolling so your counselor can send your final transcript after graduation. We know that many colleges have moved their decision day to later in May or even June 1st, however if you have already made a decision, please complete this now.
- Complete the 2024 Senior Scholarship and Award Reporting Form. This is where we collect what scholarships you have been awarded!
- Here is the form: https://forms.gle/GAxam2c29e8C4qZ46
*If you have any questions about these two items- please reach out to your counselor.
- What are you doing this summer? Find a summer program here: Summer Program List
- Need help with funding: see Ms. Smith in Student Services for an application for the St. Clare Society!
- Spring Driver's Ed begins on Tuesday, April 23rd. Please swing by the main office to pick up a packet of information.
- Roger Bacon High School Underwater Hockey Summer Camp
- In June 2024, the Roger Bacon High School Underwater Hockey Team will host its 16th annual Roger Bacon Underwater Hockey summer camp for incoming (or rising) 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students and incoming Roger Bacon freshmen. Current junior high students will have fun learning the fundamentals of the exciting and unique sport of underwater hockey.
- The camp will be from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. beginning on Monday, June 10 and running through Friday, June 14, 2024.
- The camp will be held at Xavier University in the O’Connor Sports Center pool. The cost is $125. The deadline to register for our camp is Friday, May 31.
- Any family with an incoming 6th, 7th, or 8th grade student or an incoming Roger Bacon freshmen who loves to swim and who would like to try underwater hockey should contact Coach Paul “Doc” Wittekind at underwaterhockey@rogerbacon.org for information and details about this summer’s underwater hockey summer camp.
- Reminder to JUNIORS: A second dose of the Meningitis (MCV4) vaccine required by the state of Ohio prior to entering 12th grade. Please make an appointment with your physician or local clinic to receive this vaccine. Updated immunization records should be sent to the nurse.
- Students are not permitted to carry and dispense medications. Ibuprofen and Tylenol are kept in the nurse’s office for student use. Please see the nurse when you need to take either of them.
- Students sent home ill or dismissed by the nurse shall remain at home for the remainder of the school day and are not permitted to participate in any extracurricular activities for that day unless approved by an administrator.
- Students need to make phone calls home, from the Nurse's office, when not feeling well. Please refrain from texting during the day.
- Mark your calendars for the PTO meetings this school year:
- Wednesday, May 1st
Community Outreach
Senior Service Experience
Class of 2024 need to understand the requirements and expectations for their senior service experience. It may seem overwhelming. Community Outreach has created video to help educate and inform you of importance aspects of the Senior Service Experience. Start by watching the YouTube video that walks you through many details, from ideas to registration: https://youtu.be/Nq_6RYL55a4. Then, consult the “Frequently Asked Questions” sheet to provide quick answers to typical questions. Everything you need is located in the 2023-2024 Senior Service Packet.
Community Service Opportunities. For a comprehensive guide to Roger Bacon’s Community Service program click here. You can email our department with any questions at: Outreach@RogerBacon.org.
Kroger Card
Please consider adding Roger Bacon Athletics to your Kroger Plus Card for their Community Rewards Program! This does not take long at all to sign up and does not take away any fuel points.
Here is how to sign up:
- visit https://www.kroger.com/account/enrollCommunityRewardsNow
- sign in OR create your FREE online account
- Go to “My Account” then select “Community Rewards” on the left tab
- Search for “Roger Bacon Athletic Association” or enter our organization ID which is FL801
Click here to watch a video on how to do this!
Alumni/ae News
- First Friday Mass. Mass is at 8:15 am in the Carol Dauwe Fine Arts Center. Pastries and coffee are served after Mass. We usually have 40-50 OLA and RB alums, friends and relatives on a regular basis. Contact a fellow alum and enjoy a morning of prayer and fellowship. Reservations are not necessary. The next First Friday Mass is Friday, May 3rd. There is no April Mass due to Easter Break.
- Alumni Association Meetings. All alums are welcome to come and help support the students at RB.
- Bron Bacevich Memorial Engraved Bricks. Support the Roger Bacon/OLA Alumni Association by purchasing a brick which can be designated for placement in the new stadium. For more information, contact Rick Sollmann at 641-1313 or rsollmann@rogerbacon.org.
Cafeteria Information
- WG Grinders partners with MySchoolAccount.com for the managing of our lunch service software and payments. MySchoolAccount.com offers you the ability to make deposits directly into your student’s account online or via their mobile app. Here you can track what your children have been eating for the past 30 days, transfer funds between students and have an email reminder sent to you when an account balance gets low. Deposits and payments can be made through ACH (checking/savings) or credit/debit card. We will still accept checks sent to the school (made out to WG Grinders), credit card payments at the register, and cash. Each child’s account will be updated in real time, so account balance information will be current daily.
- Questions? Contact Mark Jones, IT Director, WG Grinders Catering and Cafeteria Operations, at wggrinders@wggrindersdayton.com or via phone at (937) 760-7346.
School Nurse
- An important part of our safety plan is ensuring that students who are sick are not permitted to come to school. If you are sick, please stay home. Check the temperature of students before leaving home. Students with a temperature of 100.4 degrees of higher should stay at home.
- Senior students must submit documentation of receiving their Meningitis vaccine. If you have not yet done so, please send an updated vaccine record to the nurse. If you have any questions, please contact our school nurse, Karin Herold, via email or leave a voice message 513-641-1300, ext 1140.
Important Upcoming Dates:
April 19, 2024: Senior Parent Dance
Apr 26, 2024: No School - PROM
Apr 29, 2024: No School - Professional Development
May 1, 2024: PTO Meeting
May 3, 2024: Fine Arts Festival May 6-17, 2024: AP Testing
May 20-21, 2024: Senior Exams
May 22, 2024: Senior Make-up Exams / Senior Lock-In (evening)
May 23, 2024: Seniors Last Day / Senior Assembly
May 24, 2024: Underclass Last Day of Classes
May 27, 2024: No School - Memorial Day
May 28, 2024: Underclass Exams
May 29, 2024: Underclass Exams / Graduation Practice
May 30, 2024: Baccalaureate Evening Mass & Awards
May 31, 2024: Graduation