Evening for Excellence $10,000 Grand Raffle sponsored by the Roger Bacon Alumni Association! Click DETAILS to purchase your chances!
Principal's Weekly
Posted Friday, February 17, 2023
Several scholarships for the upcoming 2023/24 school year have been uploaded to SpartanLink and are accessible when students log in to their SpartanLink accounts. There will be a banner at the top of their profile that says: You Have: #_ Forms to Review. Depending on the grade level, some students may have more or less forms (scholarships) to review and apply for. Below are the scholarships available:
All scholarship applications are due on April 3, 2023. Some scholarships require letters of recommendations – please read requirements carefully. Letters can be given to Brandon Spaeth in the Advancement Office, sent via email to bspaeth@rogerbacon.org, or mailed to Roger Bacon High School, c/o Brandon Spaeth 4320 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45217. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Spaeth.
For planning purposes, several key dates for the 2023/24 school year are provided below.
First Semester
August 10-11, 2023: Freshmen Orientation Days
August 16, 2023: First Day of Classes for All Students
September 4, 2023: No School - Labor Day
September 14, 2023: Meet the Teacher Night
September 15, 2023: No School - Professional Development
September 20, 2023: Freshmen Grandparents Day
September 20, 2023: Financial Aid Night
October 16, 2023: No School - Professional Development
October 20, 2023: Homecoming
October 21, 2023: Homecoming Dance
October 27, 2023: Dismissal at 12:00 - Pre-ACT/ Practice ACT Testing / Job Shadowing
October 29, 2023: OPEN HOUSE
October 30, 2023: No School
November 9, 2023: Veteran’s Day Assembly
November 10, 2023: No School - Veterans’ Day Observed
November 22-27, 2023: No School - Thanksgiving Break
December 18-19, 2023: First semester exams
December 20, 2023 - January 2, 2024: No School - Christmas Break
Second Semester
January 3, 2024: No School - Professional Development / Exam Make-Up Day
January 15, 2024: No School - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 18, 2024: No School - Professional Development / Athletic Sports Stag
January 19, 2024: No School
January 25, 2024: Science Fair
February 12, 2024: No School - Professional Development
February 19, 2024: No School - Presidents’ Day
February 27, 2024: Early Dismissal (12:00 pm) - ACT (Juniors) / IOWA Testing (Freshmen)
March 11, 2024: No School
March 19, 2024: Career Day
March 27, 2024: No School – Staff Religious In-Service Day
March 27 - April 7, 2024: No School - Easter Break
April 1-8, 2024: San Juan Bautista Pilgrimage
April 1-9, 2024: Assisi Scholars Pilgrimage
April 13, 2024: Evening For Excellence
April 26, 2024: No School - PROM
April 29, 2024: No School - Professional Development
May 3, 2024: Fine Arts Festival
May 6-17, 2024: AP Testing
May 20-21, 2024: Senior Exams
May 22, 2024: Senior Make-up Exams / Senior Lock-In (evening)
May 23, 2024: Seniors Last Day / Senior Assembly
May 24, 2024: Underclass Last Day of Classes
May 27, 2024: No School - Memorial Day
May 28, 2024: Underclass Exams
May 29, 2024: Underclass Exams / Graduation Practice
May 30, 2024: Baccalaureate Evening Mass & Awards
May 31, 2024: GRADUATION
Driver’s education classes at Roger Bacon will be offered for the last time this school year starting in April. Classroom times are from 3:00 – 6:15 pm on the following dates:
Information packets can be picked up in the Main Office.
Grief Counseling/Support
We have partnered with MindPeace and Companions on a Journey to help our students through their grief from the recent losses, as well as for any students still experiencing grief from a previous loss. There will be trauma therapists available at school on Tuesday, February 21st and we will begin grief counseling groups through Companions on a Journey beginning the week of February 27th. Our students’ safety and well-being is our highest priority. If you have specific concerns about your child, please reach out to their counselor.
We have reached out to MindPeace as a resource for our students and families dealing with mental health issues. MindPeace helps families and schools identify resources by housing a database of community and school-based mental health professionals and agencies. Visit the MindPeace homepage to find the searchable database or you can contact them directly at (513) 803-0844 if you need additional mental health resources in the Greater Cincinnati area. Several suggested resources include the following:
- The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 988
- Best Point Behavioral Health by The Children's Home is a pediatric mental health urgent care facility. They see people up to age 21, Monday through Friday from 3:00 - 10:00 pm, and help those who need immediate social or emotional care not rising to the level of going to the hospital. For information about mental health programs for children and their families, call (513) 272-2800 or email info@bestpoint.org.
- To find a therapist in Greater Cincinnati for people up to age 25, use the MindPeace searchable data base at https://mindpeacecincinnati.com/search/?wpbdp_view=search.
- For coping strategies, go to the virtual MindPeace Rooms at https://mindpeacecincinnati.com/virtual-mindpeace-rooms/.
Summer Opportunities. Is the winter weather making you wish for summer? Check out the Guidance website for our 2023-2024 Summer Programming list. This list will be updated regularly as we receive information about programs for this summer. https://www.rogerbacon.org/academics/guidance-counseling/summer-programs
Scholarships. Now that many seniors have received their college acceptances, it’s time to start getting scholarships to pay for college! There are several scholarships already listed on the Guidance website (under the “Academics” tab) – check it out regularly to see all of the updates. Scholarship updates can also be found on our twitter account @RBGuidance.
Check for updates on Naviance and register to meet with these College Admissions Representatives. Fall is a great time to visit colleges in person. Seniors have THREE college visit days they can use – remember to get the form signed and turned in to Mr. McCoy one week in advance of your visit.
Follow the counselors on twitter at @RBGuidance for updates!
The Evening for Excellence (EFE) is Roger Bacon’s primary fundraiser and will be held this year on April 22nd. In order to have a successful EFE, we are in need of items for our silent and live auctions. If you have items you received for Christmas that you don’t want or think you will use, send them in to us for the EFE. If you liked all your gifts but can donate items to fill baskets or offer as single auction items, please help us.
We are hoping to offer auction items in these categories: Sports – Wine and Spirits – Kitchen – Holidays – Home and Garden – Art – Jewelry – Special Events (tickets to plays, sporting events, movie theaters, etc.). Single items, such as small appliances, make great auction items. Gift cards, cash donations (used to buy items to complete a package), and Roger Bacon items are most welcome.
Please know that all donations, large or small, are very appreciated.
Please consider adding Roger Bacon Athletics to your Kroger Plus Card for their Community Rewards Program! This does not take long at all to sign up and does not take away any fuel points.
Here is how to sign up:
Click here to watch a video on how to do this!
The Sophomore Service Day happens in the second semester. The entire sophomore class participate in service on Tuesday, February 28, 2023. Details and sign up will occur the latter part of first semester. Students will receive details via email and theology classes. More information will roll out November of 2022.
Tuesdays with Vincent
Community Service Opportunities. For a comprehensive guide to Roger Bacon’s Community Service program click here. You can email our department with any questions at: Outreach@RogerBacon.org.
As we approach possible inclement weather, the procedures we follow to notify our school community that we have either canceled or delayed the school day are contained below.
If a decision is made to delay or cancel school, you will be notified in 3 different ways:
We will try and make the decision as early as possible so there is sufficient time to make necessary arrangements at home.
When members of our school community are traveling in inclement weather, safety is of paramount importance. Anticipate travel delays and leave home with sufficient time to make it to school safely and on time.
At some point this year, students may need to attend Roger Bacon remotely due to COVID quarantine guidelines. In order to stay caught up with classes while on remote, please use following guidelines:
The Ohio Department of Health (ODH) updated its COVID-19 guidance for students ahead of the new school year. ODH no longer recommends widespread masking and COVID testing for schools. Instead, state health officials ask people who feel ill to stay home and away from others – just as they would with other illnesses.
We also received operational guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to support “safe in-person learning.” The CDC no longer recommends quarantining if a person comes into close contact with someone with the virus regardless of vaccination status. The CDC has also dropped its suggestion to keep six feet apart from others.
The CDC provided a variety of strategies for everyday operations to prevent the spread of infectious diseases, including COVID-19.
Positive Test. Individuals who test positive should self-quarantine for 5 days from the day symptoms first appear or the date of the COVID test if the individual is asymptomatic. If after 5 days the individual is asymptomatic (no symptoms), no further quarantine is required.
Exposure. Roger Bacon does not do contact tracing. If someone has been exposed, they should monitor for symptoms. If symptoms persist, recommend consulting your family physician.
Remote Learning. Roger Bacon does not offer full-time remote learning. This option is only available to those students while in a quarantine status.
Sports. The use of face coverings will not be required to attend sporting events. There will not be capacity limits at sporting events.
Feb 28: Early Dismissal - ACT / IOWA Testing
Mar 3: First Friday Mass
Mar 9: Alumni Association Meeting
Mar 10: End of 3rd Quarter
Mar 11: Senior-Parent Dance
Mar 14: PTO Meeting
Mar 16-17: Junior J.O.Y. Retreat
Mar 17: No School - Professional Development
Mar 20: No School
Mar 22: Career Day
Mar 24: Blood Drive
Mar 28: College Information Night (Virtual)(7:00 pm)
Mar 30-Apr 2: Spring Musical - "We Will Rock You"
Apr 3: PTO Meeting
Apr 5: No School - Religious In-Service Day
Apr 6-16: No School - Easter Break
Apr 10-15: San Juan Bautista Pilgrimage
Apr 10-18: Assisi Scholars Pilgrimage
Apr 22: Evening For Excellence
Apr 28: No School - PROM / Professional Development
May 1-12: AP Testing
May 5: Fine Arts Festival
May 9: PTO Meeting
May 12: Go Local / Michaela Farms / Powderpuff Football
May 15-16: Senior Exams
May 17: Senior Make-up Exams
May 18: All School Mass / Senior Lock-In
May 19: Seniors Last Day
May 21: Senior Assisi Scholar Banquet
May 22: Underclass Last Day
May 23: Underclass Exams/Graduation Practice
May 24: Underclass Exams
May 25: Baccalaureate Evening Mass & Awards
May 26: Graduation
May 30-June 1: Kairos