Evening for Excellence $10,000 Grand Raffle sponsored by the Roger Bacon Alumni Association! Click DETAILS to purchase your chances!
Principal's Weekly
Posted Friday, August 13, 2021
WG Grinders, the operators of our cafeteria, will partner with MySchoolAccount.com for the managing of our lunch service software and payments. Some of our parents may remember this service – we used it two years ago. MySchoolAccount.com offers you the ability to make deposits directly into your student’s account online or via their Mobile App. You can track what your student has been eating for the past 30 days, transfer funds between students and have an email reminder sent to you when an account balance gets low. Deposits and payments can be made through ACH (checking/savings) or Credit/Debit Card. We will still accept checks sent to the school (made out to WG Grinders), credit card payments at the register, and cash. Each child’s account will be updated in real time, so account balance information will be current daily.
In order to take advantage of this service, you will need to create a new parent account. This requires you to:
After you receive the “verification code,” you may begin to add your student’s information. To do this, you will need to:
Note: A parent account can be linked to many children, but a child can only be linked to one parent.
We urge you to take full advantage of this system prior to the start of school on Wednesday, August 18th so your student’s account is funded and current.
Please be aware there are convenience fees when using MySchoolAccount.com. There are no convenience fees if you pay at Roger Bacon using cash, check and/or credit/debit cards.
Any money that was left on your student’s account at the end of the 2020/21 school year will show up on your new MySchoolAccount for the 2021/22 school year automatically. There is nothing that you need to do for this to happen. Also, any money that is not spent by the end of the school year will be available the following school year.
If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Mark Jones, IT Director, WG Grinders Catering and Cafeteria Operations at wggrinders@wggrindersdayton.com.
On July 26, 2021, the Ohio Department of Health and the Ohio Department of Education published “COVID-19 Health and Prevention Guidance for Ohio K-12 Schools.” The goal of the guidance is “to keep students back in school, in-person five days a week.”
The guidance contains several key recommendations to help ensure the safety of students, staff and volunteers:
Vaccinations. Roger Bacon does not require students or staff to be vaccinated to attend school or participate in school activities and extracurriculars. However, Roger Bacon recommends that all students and staff be vaccinated. Guidance from the State emphasizes that “vaccination is the leading public health prevention strategy to the end the COVID-19 pandemic.”
Face Coverings
Ventilation. The CDC calls ventilation “a key part of maintaining healthy environments, and is an important COVID-19 prevention strategy for schools.” In this light:
Social Distancing. Per the guidance from the State, social distancing can “reduce the spread of infectious disease.” However, this physical distancing “should not hinder student participation in in-person learning.” In that light:
Hand Washing and Sanitizing. Roger Bacon will provide adequate hand-washing supplies and hand-sanitizing opportunities in classrooms and high-traffic areas throughout school facilities.
Remote Learning. Roger Bacon does not offer full-time remote learning. This option is only available to those students while in a quarantine status.
Sports. The use of face coverings will not be required to attend sporting events. There will not be capacity limits at sporting events. The State does indicate that “the use of masking and social distancing to the extent possible is recommended during indoor sports and other higher-risk activities to protect students who are not fully vaccinated.”
Symptoms. Families are reminded of the importance of keeping students out of the classroom if they are sick. Anyone with symptoms or a temperature above 100 degrees Fahrenheit should stay home. COVID-19 symptoms include:
The Drama Guild will hold their first meeting of the year on Wednesday, August 25th at 3:00 pm in the Fine Arts Center. All current students are welcome to come for games and information on our current season. We can’t wait to see what this year’s Spartans will bring to the stage!
Alice in Wonderland – Fall Play
- There will be an informational meeting on Monday, August 30th during Flex for those interested in being in the Cast and Crew.
- Auditions will be held in the FAC on September 7th and 8th. Sign-ups and audition requirements will be listed on the Fine Arts website (link below).
- Crew Applications will be due by 6:00 pm on September 7th. Forms will be online and available on the Fine Arts website (link below).
- The Drama Guild is proud to present Alice in Wonderland November 19-21st. Tickets will be available starting November 1st. Email drama@rogerbacon.org with any questions.
Follow Us - rogerbaconfinearts.com
Facebook – Roger Bacon High School Fine Arts
Instagram – @RBFineArts; @RBDramaGuild
Twitter – @RBFineArts; @RBDramaGuild; @rb3official
YouTube Channel – CLICK HERE!
Service Opportunities
Our department continues to provide service opportunities for our students via the various monthly projects. These projects are communicated via student email and daily school announcements.
For a comprehensive guide to Roger Bacon’s Community Service program click here. You can email our department with any questions at: Outreach@RogerBacon.org.
Freshmen Service Day
Freshmen year is a time in which Roger Bacon would like to provide students with the opportunity to learn more about our Christian call to serve. This will happen in two parts. First, freshmen had their Freshman Community Day called Koinonia on August 13, 2021 to help them reflect on the connection between faith and service. Second, we will divide the freshman class into quarters for a Freshman Service Day. Information was sent home on August 18, 2021. Your child will be participating on an assigned service day in Over-the-Rhine that are:
October 8, 2021: Andrews - Glover
October 22, 2021: Goecke - King
November 5, 2021: Kleinfeldt - Schaber
November 9, 2021: Schmidt - Woodrum
Sophomore Service Day
The Sophomore Service Day will mirror the freshmen, since they were not able to have their service day last year. Information was sent home on August 18, 2021. We will divide the current sophomore class into quarters with their days in the second semester. Your child will be participating on an assigned service day in Over-the-Rhine that are:
February 22, 2022: Allen – Farmer
March 4, 2022: Fasbender – Lanser
March 11, 2022: Lee – Rohling
April 1, 2022: Rolfert - Zestermann
An important part of our safety plan is ensuring that students who are sick are not permitted to come to school. If you are sick, please stay home. Check the temperature of students before leaving home. Students with a temperature of 100.4 degrees of higher should stay at home.
Primary symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, cough, shortness of breath and/or loss of taste/smell. If you have multiple symptoms or symptoms persist, please consult your family health provider.
Immunization Requirement for Senior Year. Senior students, if you have not received your meningococcal vaccine yet, please make an appointment with your physician. These can also be given at Kroger’s or Walgreens’ clinics. Proof of this vaccine or an updated immunization record should be turned in to the nurse’s office by the end of September. Thank you! If you have any questions, please contact our school nurse, Karin Herold, via email or leave a voice message 513-641-1300, ext 1140.
First Friday Mass. Mass is at 8:15 am in the Information and Technology Center. Parking is available in the back lot (off Leonard Ave.). Pastries and coffee are served after Mass. We usually have 40-50 OLA and RB alums, friends and relatives on a regular basis. Contact a fellow alum and enjoy a morning of prayer and fellowship. Reservations are not necessary. The next First Friday Mass will be on Friday, September 3rd.
Alumni Association Meetings. All alums are welcome to come and help support the students at RB. The next meeting is Thursday, September 9th, at 6:30 pm in the ITC.
Bron Bacevich Memorial Engraved Bricks. Support the Roger Bacon/OLA Alumni Association by purchasing a brick which can be designated for placement in the new stadium. For more information, contact Rick Sollmann at 641-1313 or rsollmann@rogerbacon.org.
Sep 01: Picture Day / Meet the Teacher Night (Virtual)
Sep 06: No School (Labor Day)
Sep 09: Alumni Association Meeting
Sep 10: Grandparents' Day
Sep 14: PTO Meeting
Sep 24: Homecoming
Sep 25: Homecoming Dance
Sep 27: No School (Professional Development)
Sep 28: Financial Aid Night
Oct 04: Feast of St. Francis
Oct 06-08: Kairos
Oct 08: Freshmen Service Day (1/4)
Oct 12: PTO Meeting
Oct 13: PSAT - Sophomore Assisi Scholars and Juniors Only
Oct 15: End of 1st Quarter
Oct 20: Student/Athlete College Information Night / Board of Directors Meeting
Oct 22: Freshmen Service Day (1/4)
Oct 24: Open House
Oct 25: No School (Professional Development)
Oct 26: Early Dismissal - Pre-ACT/Practice ACT Testing / Job Shadowing
Nov 01: All Saints Day Mass
Nov 04: Fall Band Concert
Nov 05: Freshmen Service Day (1/4)
Nov 08: PTO Meeting
Nov10: Veterans' Day Assembly
Nov 11: No School (Veterans' Day)
Nov 12: No School - Professional Development
Nov 19: Freshmen Service Day (1/4)
Nov 19-21: Fall Play
Nov 20: 8th Grade HSPT
Nov 24-29: No School - Thanksgiving Break
Dec 08: Feast of the Immaculate Conception Mass
Dec 09-10: Junior "J.O.Y." Retreat
Dec 15: Board of Directors Meeting
Dec 17: Christmas Assembly / Christmas Concert
Dec 20-21: 1st Semester Exams
Dec 22 - Jan 02: No School - Christmas Break
Jan 07: End of 2nd Quarter/1st Semester
Jan 12: PTO Meeting
Jan 17: No School (Martin Luther King Day)
Jan 20-23: March for Life
Jan 20: Early Dismissal - Sports Stag
Jan 21: No School - Professional Development
Feb 07: No School
Feb 09: PTO Meeting
Feb 16: Board of Directors Meeting
Feb 18: No School (Professional Development)
Feb 21: No School (Presidents' Day)
Feb 22: Early Dismissal - ACT (Juniors) IOWA Testing (Freshmen)
Mar 08: PTO Meeting
Mar 21: No School (Professional Development)
Apr 11: PTO Meeting
Apr 14-24: No School - Easter Break
Apr 18-26: Assisi Scholar Pilgrimage to Italy
Apr 27: Board of Directors Meeting
Apr 29: No School - Prom
Apr 30: Evening for Excellence
May 09: PTO Meeting
May 23-24: Senior Exams
May 26-27: Underclass Exams
May 30: No School - Memorial Day
Jun 02: Graduation
Jun 15: Board of Directors Meeting