Evening for Excellence $10,000 Grand Raffle sponsored by the Roger Bacon Alumni Association! Click DETAILS to purchase your chances!
Principal's Weekly
Posted Thursday, October 1, 2020
W.g. Grinders, the business that runs our cafeteria, is looking to hire a part-time individual (hopefully a parent) to work in our cafeteria. Work is approximately 25 hours per week, from 8:30 am - 1:30 pm each school day. If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Mr. Daniel Ehler, Director of Operations, at (937) 416-2878.
The next meeting will be on Wednesday, October 14th at 7:00 pm in the ITC
The PTO has purchased flower pots for the Grotto to be kept filled all year. If your club/team/organization would like to sponsor a month and fill the pots with flowers, please email us at pto@rogerbacon.org or see the website for further details.
This is an important reminder to our previous communications regarding the free and reduced lunch program. If you are currently eligible, or you think you may be eligible, for the free and reduced lunch program, you need to complete the free and reduced lunch program application. Free or reduced lunches will end for students on October 9th who have not been approved for this school year.
The preferred method to completing your application is via the Freedom Cafe program. To access Freedom Cafe, please go to the Roger Bacon website (www.rogerbacon.org) and select "STUDENTS & PARENTS." The drop down menu will appear. Select "Free & Reduced Lunch" and follow the instructions. If you have problems completing the application, please call Roger Bacon High School at 513-641-1300 and ask for Michelle Peters. If you are unable to submit the application via the online system, you may also complete a paper application which can be obtained from the front office.
Knights of Columbus Scholarship. The Ohio Charity Foundation, Inc. and the Ohio Knights of Columbus are pleased to announce that, for the 2020-2021 school year, numerous $1,000 scholarships will once again be made available for Catholic students (grades 9-12) attending Catholic high schools in Ohio. The requirements that will be considered for this scholarship are financial need, GPA of 2.5 or higher, academic awards, community and/or parish involvement, and extracurricular activities. No more than one scholarship per Catholic high school will be awarded. A selection committee representing the Ohio Charity Foundation, Inc. and the Knights of Columbus will make the final selection of the scholarship winners. Applications are available in the Guidance Office and must be submitted by November 27, 2020.
Seniors. Tuesday, October 27th is a day set aside for you to job shadow. Restrictions in place during the current pandemic may limit the ability to do in-person job shadowing. Several options include:
- Job shadow virtually
- Work on service hours
- Arrange a college visit
- Complete college applications
Regardless how this day is used, MAKE IT PRODUCTIVE!
All college representative visits will be held virtually this year. Students can sign up on Naviance to participate in the “visits”. The representatives from the colleges will host a Zoom with interested students. Students on campus will participate during Flex in Room 24 (adhering to room capacity limits) and remote students can join the Zoom session from home. Please contact Ms. Smith (jsmith@rogerbacon.org) for more information on how to sign up for these sessions.
The following colleges are currently scheduled:
- Earlham College - September 9th
- Hanover College - September 10th
- The University of Tampa - September 14th
- Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Daytona Beach - September 15th
- Ohio Northern University - September 17th
- Xavier University - September 21st
- Saint Mary's College - September 22nd
- The University of Alabama - September 24th
- St Bonaventure University - September 29th
- The Ohio State University - September 30th
- Groove University - October 1st
- Muskingum University - October 5th
- The University of Findlay - October 6th
- West Virginia University - October 7th
- Georgetown College - October 8th
- Seton Hall University - October 12th
- Marian University - October 13th
- Mt. St. Joseph University - October 14th
- Sienna Heights University - October 15th
- Berea College - October 16th
- Thomas More University - October 21st
- Baldwin Wallace University - October 20th
- Ohio Wesleyan University - October 22nd
- Cleveland State University - October 28th
- Hiram College - October 29th
- Miami University (Hamilton) - November 3rd
- Savannah College of Art and Design - November 4th
- University of Akron - November 5th
- Miami University (Oxford) - November 9th
- Canisius College (NY) - November 16th
- Cincinnati State - November 17th
- Walsh University - November 18th
- United States Navy - November 19th
- University of Tampa - November 23rd
- University of Cincinnati (Blue Ash) - November 24th
- University of Alabama Huntsville - December 1st
- Northern Kentucky University - December 2nd
- Centre College - December 3rd
- Ashland University - December 7th
We have a bulletin board at the bottom of the Guidance ramp near the FAC to highlight the class of 2021. Seniors can add their names as they submit college applications! See your counselor to add your name!
Jesuit Excellence Tour Program (JET)
Prospective applicants considering pursuing their undergraduate degrees at a Jesuit institution are encouraged to check out the Jesuit Excellence Tour (JET) program, a series of recruitment events that allow admissions staff at Jesuit colleges and universities to jointly recruit targeted areas across the country.
Please note: Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Fall 2020 JET tours will all be held online. Mark the following dates for Virtual Jesuit Excellence Tours on your calendar and stay tuned for the registration links!
OACAC Virtual College Exploration (VCE) program September 13-November 13
VCE Schedule and Student Registration: https://oacac.org/student-registration/
Click “view larger version” on the bottom right of the schedule. This is real time table! Open and use the top navigation bar to review and filter the offerings. Click the purple Student Registration button (or dark gray Counselor Registration button) to register for your sessions of interest!
Students should register for each session that they want to attend. Once they register, they’ll receive a confirmation email with their unique link to join the Zoom webinar. (Students will also receive a barcode, but the barcode is not necessary for this virtual event.) When students register, they are sharing their registration information only with colleges presenting on that particular panel. StriveScan does not sell or share personally identifiable student information with any other third parties. Students should participate live so they can ask questions and interact with the college admission counselors.
*Parents, school counselors, access advisors and IECs are welcome too!
As we plan for your student’s senior year, we are excited to offer 2 more opportunities for students to attend a Kairos Retreat. Because of attendance limitations and considerations for families who do not want their student to attend an overnight retreat, a senior retreat is not required for graduation this year. Additionally, Kairos retreat registration will be on a first come, first served basis. If demand exceeds available spots we will investigate further options to accommodate everyone. Also, unlike past years, fall athletes are eligible to attend the August retreat due to the limited number of Kairos spots. We offer three dates and registration will be done on a first come, first served basis. Please review the following dates and choose a date that works best with your schedule.
Remaining Kairos Dates for 2020-2021 School Year: November 4-6, 2020; March 2-5, 2021.
Senior Service Experience. To provide a more concise understanding of the senior service experience, click here for the “2020-2021 Senior Service Packet.” This document provides the necessary information to understand the requirements and expectations. First, watch the YouTube video that walk you through many details, from ideas to registration. Then, consult the “frequently asked questions” sheet to provide you quick answers to typical questions. There is also a document about different places to serve in Cincinnati, which are divided into themes. Service is a element of our Franciscan school, where it is our motto to help young men and women grow “in holiness and learning” rooted in Jesus Christ.
The Drama Guild is excited to bring Suspense – A Radio Play to the stage this November! Get ready to dive into a world of mysteries and thrills that has transcended the airwaves for almost eighty years!
Rehearsal Schedule - Week of October 5th:
- Tuesday, October 6th: 3:00 - 5:00 pm - Act II
- Wednesday, October 7th: 3:00 - 5:00 pm - All Cast/Crew
- Thursday, October 8th: 3:00 - 5:00 pm - Act I
Twitter & Instagram - @RBDramaGuild
Website - https://sites.google.com/rogerbacon.org/rogerbaconperformingarts
An important part of our safety plan is ensuring that students who are sick are not permitted to come to school. If you are sick, please stay home. Check the temperature of students before leaving home. Students with a temperature of 100.4 degrees of higher should stay at home.
Primary symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, cough, shortness of breath and/or loss of taste/smell. If you have have multiple symptoms or symptoms persist, please consult your family health provider.
Immunization Requirement for Senior Year. Senior students, if you have not received your meningococcal vaccine yet, please make an appointment with your physician. These can also be given at Kroger’s or Walgreens’ clinics. Proof of this vaccine or an updated immunization record should be turned in to the nurse’s office by the end of September. Thank you! If you have any questions, please contact our school nurse, Karin Herold, via email or leave a voice message 513-641-1300, ext 1140.
Calling all Spartans who went on to play at the next level! We are adding a new video display to the Fogarty Center lobby that will showcase our alumni that played at the collegiate/professional level. You may remember the old photo frames in the basement of Fogarty – this will replace those. We need your help to gather data! If you played any sport at the next level after your career at RB, please send the following to our Assistant Athletic Director, Brandon Spaeth, at bspaeth@rogerbacon.org:
Photo of you in your collegiate/professional uniform (head shot/action photo)
If you have any family members that this applies to – please feel free to send that information as well!
First Friday Mass.
Mass is at 8:15 am in the Thomas J. Fogarty Center. Parking is available on the plaza directly in front
of school. Pastries and coffee are served after Mass. We usually have
40-50 OLA
and RB alums, friends and relatives on a regular basis. Contact a
fellow alum and enjoy a morning of prayer and fellowship. Reservations
are not
necessary. The next First Friday Mass is Friday, November 6th.
Alumni Association Meetings. All alums are welcome to come and help support the students at RB.
The next scheduled meeting is Thursday, November 12th at 6:30 pm in the ITC.
Bron Bacevich Memorial Engraved Bricks. Support the Roger Bacon/OLA Alumni Association by purchasing a brick which can be designated for placement in the new stadium. For more information, contact Rick Sollmann at 641-1313 or rsollmann@rogerbascon.org.
We want to highlight a few key details about our remote learning model for this year, especially as it differs from the model we used last year when schools closed in March:
In addition, please review the following expectations for student conduct during Zoom sessions:
If you have any questions about remote learning this year, please contact Julie Vehorn, Director of Academics, at jvehorn@rogerbacon.org or 513-641-1300.
All students, faculty, and staff are required to have a face covering.
Oct 14: PTO Meeting (7:00 pm in ITC)
Oct 16: End of 1st Quarter
Oct 25: Open House
Oct 26: No School
Oct 27: Early Dismissal (12:00 pm) / Pre-ACT / Senior Job Shadowing
Nov 02: All School Mass - All Saints Day
Nov 04-06: Kairos
Nov 06: First Friday Mass (8:15 am in FAC)
Nov 11: No School - Veterans' Day
Nov 12: Alumni Association Meeting (6:30 pm in ITC)
Nov 20-22: Fall Play
Nov 25-30: No School - Thanksgiving Break
Dec 04: First Friday Mass (8:15 am in FAC)
Dec 08: All School Mass
Dec 10: Alumni Association Meeting (6:30 pm in ITC)
Dec 10-11: J.O.Y. Retreat
Dec 11: No School - Professional Development
Dec 17: Christmas Concert (7:30 pm in FAC)
Dec 21-22: 1st Semester Exams
Dec 23-Jan 03: No School - Christmas Break
Jan 07: Science Fair
Jan 08: End of 2nd Quarter/1st Semester
Jan 18: No School - Martin Luther King Day
Jan 20: Celebration of Success
Jan 21: Early Dismissal - Athletic Sports Stag / Professional Development
Jan 28-31: March for Life
Jan 31-Feb 05: Catholic Schools Week
Feb 15: No School - Presidents' Day
Feb 17: Mass - Ash Wednesday
Feb 23: ACT (Juniors) / Sophomore Service Day
Feb 26: Freshmen Service Day (1/4 class)
Mar 02: College Planning Night
Mar 03: Sacrament of Reconciliation
Mar 12: Freshmen Service Day (1/4 class)
Mar 18: End of 3rd Quarter
Mar 19: No School - Professional Development
Mar 24: Career Day
Mar 25-28: Spring Musical
Mar 26: Freshmen Service Day (1/4 class)
Mar 30-31: Junior "JOY" Retreat
Apr 01-11: No School - Easter Break
Apr 05-13: Assisi Scholar Pilgrimage to Italy
Apr 19: Sophomore Retreat Day (Female)
Apr 20: Sophomore Retreat Day (Male)
Apr 22: Band and Choir Concert
Apr 23: Freshmen Service Day (1/4 class)
Apr 27: Academic Awards Ceremony
Apr 28: Community Service Awards
Apr 30: No School - Prom / Staff Religious In-Service
May 03-14: AP Testing
May 07: Fine Arts Festival
May 14: Go Local / Michaela Farms
May 16: Senior Showcase
May 19: Spring Concert
May 21: Seniors Last Day of School
May 25-25: Senior Final Exams
May 26: Early Dismissal - Underclass Last Day of Classes
May 27-28: Underclass Final Exams
May 31: No School - Memorial Day
Jun 01: Graduation Practice / End of 4th Quarter / Make-Up Exams
Jun 02: Graduation Mass & Awards
Jun 03: Graduation
Jun 08-10: Kairos