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Trent Walker

Class of 2020

Freshman year of high school is an exciting time. The transition from 8th grade into the big world of locker combinations, scary seniors and loads of homework is intimidating, but not for Trent. "The transition to high school has not been tough, with the help of our senior leaders it has been pretty easy." Trent, a John Paul II graduate, said he has felt at home here before he even walked through the door. "I knew I was going to Roger Bacon my whole life. My entire family are Spartans and I knew it was where I belong." Trent's grandpa was part of the last all male graduating class from RB and his great aunt was part of the first co-ed class, his roots are deep.

Trent is happiest when he is serving others. "Volunteering is a big part of my life. My grandparents started Helping Hands of Hope and it has paved the way for me to continue the tradition of serving others." Trent actually approached Fr. Roger about giving Spartans the opportunity to join Helping Hands of Hope before Thanksgiving and got a wonderful response from our student body. "Fr. Roger and Olivia Stark got some people together and we organized boxes of food and then delivered them to families." When talking about this service project, Trent smiles, "I really like helping people, it is awesome to see their faces when you deliver a box to a family. They are so appreciative, it just makes me feel good."

Heading into the second semester Trent is ready to get more involved. "I really stayed focused the first semester. I wanted to keep my grades up, I received first honors and now that I have the hang of it, I'm ready to spread my wings a little more." Trent currently is in Bacon Buddies and is a Student Ambassador. He is looking forward to doing more, "I want to get more involved in Community Outreach. The little taste of Helping Hands of Hope at RB has fueled me to want to do more."

When asked about Trent, senior, Olivia Stark had nothing but good things to say, "Trent is such a bright light and it is amazing to see him shining as a freshman. He is doing such wonderful things so early in his years here at Roger Bacon and I cannot wait to hear about how he makes this place even more beautiful!"

Roger Bacon is made up of many faces, different faces. We hope to showcase a wide range of our Spartans as possible. If you would like to nominate a Spartan, past or present, to be featured as a Face of RB please click here.

“Trent is such a bright light and it is amazing to see him shining as a freshman.”

Olivia Stark Senior Leader