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Tionna Jordan

Class of 2018

As a student who is proud of her Catholic education, our newest Face of RB is the personification of faith in action. When asked to pick which Franciscan value best describes her, Tionna ‘18 chose ‘service,’ and explains, “My Mom likes us to volunteer at the soup kitchen and makes us donate our clothes regularly. At Roger Bacon, my love for service developed into a fuller experience – yes, it started out as mandatory but it doesn’t feel mandatory anymore, I enjoy service.” Tionna is a member of Bacon Buddies and also Magnified Giving, “As someone who has benefited from the service of other people, I like being able to give back.”

Mr. Spaeth was so proud of Tionna that he felt compelled to nominate her as our newest Face of RB, “Tionna, is such a bright spot here at RB. I am so impressed with how she carries and presents herself. She always is respectful to me (yes sir, no sir, please and thank you) and she’s always in a great mood and is willing to have a conversation or joke around. I view those qualities as extremely important and she has every one of them. I have no doubt that she’ll continue to succeed anywhere she goes or anything she does.”

Tionna made her name known at Roger Bacon not only because of her hard work and positive attitude, but the fact that she is a twin helped her stand out right away. In response to the idea of leaving her sister this Fall, Tionna said, “Tyonna will be going to Mount St. Joseph University, and will have the opportunity to be close to my family and new baby brother. I will miss them all so much and that will be the hardest part of being away from home.” The girls’ guidance counselor, Ms. Magliocco discovered a fun way to distinguish between the two girls very similar names, “I remember meeting Tionna Jordan along with her twin, Tyonna, four years ago when they started at RB. The first thing I thought when I met the two of them is how am I going to remember who is who? Well, that question was answered pretty quickly because Tionna jumped right in and started to speak for the both of them. It was at this point that I thought, “Okay, Tyonna, is the tall but quieter one, so I’ll call her ‘Sky High Ty’ and Tionna is the ‘Tiny but fiery one!’ These nicknames worked for me throughout their first year, but after that, I realized there was so much more to their personalities that I didn’t need to use their nicknames anymore. As the years have passed, I have come to know both Tionna and Tyonna fairly well and I can say that I feel very blessed to have been their counselor these past four years. I know that as Tionna moves beyond high school, she will be fine because she has a fire within her that glows and I believe that it will continue to shine throughout her lifetime.”

Speaking of a fiery personality, Tionna is a fire cadet, and recently just took the fire fighter exam. “I took the fire fighter exam as a backup plan. My Mom always said to have a Plan B, or even Plan C.” Tionna has been involved with the fire cadet for a year now and enjoys talking to others about fire safety. Tionna’s Plan A is to major in Biochemistry at St. Bonaventure University. “I went on the St. Bonaventure pilgrimage this past fall and fell in love with the campus. With the help of Mr. Burke, and the Admissions office at St. Bonnie’s I will have the opportunity to attend next year.” Mr. Burke is happy that Tionna is continuing her Franciscan education at the next level, “Having the great opportunity to spend time with Ti on our St. Bonaventure University retreat, I saw firsthand her ability to have a positive influence on those around her. My hope is that she is able to follow her dream and continue her Franciscan education at SBU. Whatever she does, I believe she will make us very proud."

Roger Bacon is made up of many faces, different faces. We hope to showcase a wide range of our Spartans as possible. If you would like to nominate a Spartan, past or present, to be featured as a Face of RB please click here.

“What I believe is the distinguishing characteristic of Tionna is her HUGE HEART. She consistently demonstrates the Franciscan values of compassion, gratitude, hospitality and joy.”

Tom Burke