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Faces of Roger Bacon
Class of 2019
September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month and Shannon ’19, a member of Cincinnati’s Youth Council for Suicide Prevention at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, is hoping she can shed light on this highly taboo and stigmatized subject with the Spartan Army. “I’m working with Ms. Rosfeld to get information out to our students. People cringe at the ‘Big S Word’ it is something that needs to be talked about – and I hope I can help start that conversation at Roger Bacon.” Shannon wanted to get involved with the Youth Council for Suicide Prevention because of experiences in her life. “I have known people who struggle with depression, I want others to know there is a way out of it and that they can get help.” Ms. Rosfeld is impressed with Shannon’s drive to educate her classmates, “Shannon is using her talents and gifts to bring appropriate attention to this important topic. Her interest and compassion for others is genuine, and we are blessed to have her as a member of our student body.”
Shannon also volunteers her time at Cincinnati Children’s in the Aquatic Department. “I volunteer every Thursday at Children’s. I teach and coach kids to control their bodies in water. Not only is it therapy techniques, but also teaching kids who may have disabilities how to swim in case they fall in the water.” Her time at Children’s has been fun and feeds into her passion for Biology and service to others. “I’ve been volunteering for a year and half there – I like to help others, and it is fun!"
Helping others is just part of who Shannon is – last year, she approached the Administration to get a dress down day to help a friend whose father was diagnosed with cancer. “My friend’s family was struggling with finances. I knew if I asked the Body Bacon, they would help. We added a dress down day and were able to add $350 to their Go Fund Me page.” Her Biology teacher, Kyle Monahan, recognizes Shannon’s big heart, “Shannon is one of the kindest and most compassionate students I have ever had the pleasure of teaching. Watching her generosity of spirit when working with other students has been inspiring. On top of that, she is always cheerful and incredibly studious. I can’t imagine a better face for Roger Bacon.”
Shannon stays busy -- Drama Guild, coaching Irish dance, running cross country, and the Assisi Scholars Program, all while being an Honor Roll student. She chose Roger Bacon for the small co-ed environment, “I was sold on the co-ed atmosphere. The world isn’t the same sex – everyone has different opinions, and I feel this is a great place for girls to develop and gain confidence.” Her Latin teacher, Mr. Chmiel says, “She is not afraid to ask questions or to put in extra work when she is trying to understand something. She is without a doubt one of my hardest working students. I’m glad to see her representing the school as one of the faces of RB.”
When asked how she feels about being the Face of RB, Shannon says: “It feels great – didn’t think I’d be a Face of RB. There are lots of people doing great things here, it just reminds me how special this place is. I am recognized for my hard work and the special things I’m doing.”
Roger Bacon is made up of many faces, different faces. We hope to
showcase a wide range of our Spartans as possible. If you would
like to nominate a Spartan, past or present, to be featured as a
Face of RB please click here