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Faces of Roger Bacon
Class of 2021
A student can be a brainiac, an athlete, a musician, a drama kid, but for our newest Face of RB, she is all of these wrapped in one. Sam ’21, made her mark right away at the beginning of her freshman year. She was voted as a freshmen homecoming court representative and was a member of the Girls’ soccer team that racked up the most league wins in 10+ years. Sam really made herself known when she performed the National Anthem at the Spirit Olympics. When Sam finished her performance, the students were buzzing! “My favorite memory of this school year so far has to be Spirit Week. From the fun dress up days, to the parade and Spirit Olympics, I had such a great time with my friends and classmates.” Sam feels that she is friends with everyone in the freshman class, and one of her longtime friends and classmates, Belle Nye ’21, can attest to why, “She is the person that makes everyone feel welcomed. When there were shadows in a class she would go out of her way to see how they were, ask about their day, and make sure they felt welcomed.”
Sam is glad she made the decision to become a Spartan. “My Dad went to Purcell Marian and my Mom is from up north. They said look everywhere. I shadowed at MND, Ursuline and Roger Bacon. I was just most comfortable here. I feel like we are able to have fun but we are still challenged, and I am so happy with my decision.” The demanding course load does not deter Sam from getting involved. Currently, she is preparing for her stage debut in the Spring Musical, Beauty and the Beast as Babette. On top of this, she is able to play club soccer as well as play guitar, ukulele, and write original music. Sam’s musical talent was recognized by her peers when she was voted as the winner of RB’s Got Talent in February. She performed an original song as well as two covers. “I tried out because I like performing and being in that atmosphere. Our student body is so supportive. It made the experience that much easier and fun.” Doc Wittekind is impressed by Sam’s outgoing attitude, “She is a fearless singer, willing to sing solo to the entire Roger Bacon student body, faculty, and staff -- singing both the Star-Spangled Banner and songs that she wrote. Sam is a great student and a pleasure to have in class! Her smile brightens the classroom.”
“Getting involved as a freshman is my biggest piece of advice for new students in high school. As a soccer player, I was able to make friends right away. When I decided to join the Drama Guild, I was able to meet an entirely different group of people. We may be different, but we all talk and find the things we have in common. All the upperclassmen have been super nice about me coming in and joining the Drama Guild. They are all so helpful and compassionate.” Sam may feel that the other students are helpful and compassionate, but it is also a reflection of who she is. Mr. Burke can sum Sam up in a few short sentences, “In her short time as a Spartan, Sam has proven to be a great ‘Face of Roger Bacon.’ In addition to being extraordinarily talented in so many ways, Sam demonstrates a spirit and energy that is infectious. She walks the halls with a smile on her face that is sure to brighten anyone’s day. She is the poster child for our Franciscan value of being JOYFUL. I’m very proud that Sam is a Spartan.”
Roger Bacon is made up of many faces, different faces. We hope to showcase a wide range of our Spartans as possible. If you would like to nominate a Spartan, past or present, to be featured as a Face of RB please click here.