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Faces of Roger Bacon
Class of 2026
As an eighth grader at St. Mary’s in Hyde Park, Junior Peggy Boyle always thought an all-girls school was her destiny. “I knew most of the girls were going to a single-sex school, so I just always assumed I would,” says Peggy. However, when she shadowed Roger Bacon, she found something she didn’t see at any other schools. “Roger Bacon felt the most welcoming by far. There was just something different here. I loved that it was co-ed, I loved that there was diversity I didn’t see anywhere else. One of the goals I had for myself for high school was to meet all kinds of other people. This was just an amazing environment I knew I wanted to be a part of,” shares Peggy.
As her junior year begins, Peggy has made her presence known on campus. Peggy is one of Roger Bacon’s junior Assisi Scholars, and is a fixture on the academic Honor Roll. She is also a member of our rising girls swim team, actively involved in Community Outreach, and has been one of the stars of Drama Guild since freshman year, with her memorable and comedic turn as one of the leads of last year’s Plaza Suite a highlight of last year's shows. Shares Peggy, “Being Norma in Plaza Suit was an incredible experience, it was a very physical comedy so I got to do a lot of stuff on stage that you wouldn’t normally get to do, like lifts and dragging my scene partner by their legs. It was overall a super fun experience, and I'm super excited for the rest of the shows to come."
Peggy’s favorite teachers are Doc Wittekind, Coach Neal, and Mrs. Welt. “Mrs. Welt is just so nice, and always concerned about us as students and people. Doc is just fun to have as a teacher, and Coach Neal can make the most complicated math seem relatable with his teaching style,” shares Peggy. Although her favorite teacher was harder to pin down, her favorite class was easy. “Doc Wittekind’s AP U.S. History,” says Peggy. “Doc just makes it fun, and always has these interesting ways to connect material to things you may not have thought of.”
Among those "Roger Bacon moments" that make us so special, Peggy highlights the unique culture of RB. "The people here are just amazing. The most recent example is when a student had an issue at a football game a few weeks ago, and to see the RB students run to her aide, and make sure she was okay, just speaks to how we take care of each other. Since my freshman year when seniors would willingly give me a ride home from play practice, to grabbing candy from Mr. Schad's office, to the buses of kids going to the volleyballs games last year, we take care of each other and protect each other, and I love that about Roger Bacon," explains Peggy.
Outside of Roger Bacon, Peggy swims for the Cincinnati Marlins, and works summers as a lifeguard.
Something interesting you may not know about Peggy, is that during COVID lock down four years ago, she wrote a screenplay. ‘It is about a princess, a knight, and a thief that go on a journey to save a kingdom. It is really a story about a princess that goes on this great adventure and finds out that not everyone can be trusted, and that you might find friends in the most unlikely places,” explains Peggy.
As her junior year ramps up, Peggy is looking forward to her role in the fall drama, Pride and Prejudice, as well as events such as homecoming and prom. More importantly, she is excited to have her sister, Annie, here as member of the Class of 2028, Roger Bacon’s 100th graduating class. “I am excited for prom and all of those other things, but it is most fun to have my sister here and share this experience with her. It just makes all of this even more special,” states Peggy.
Peggy has started to look ahead to life after RB. “My dream school is UCLA,” explains Peggy. “I am not sure if I want to study drama or theater, or study something like neuroscience, which I am also very interested in. Or maybe both! I am still figuring that out.”
With her sister beginning her freshmen year, and a new crop of 8th graders beginning their shadow days, Peggy has great advice for those students on picking a high school. “Roger Bacon has so much to offer. Great academics, great programs, and great people. We are co-ed, and diverse, and everyone is so nice here,” shares Peggy. “You just have to trust your instincts when you are making such a big decision. Roger Bacon is just a great place, with great people, and great friends, where you can become the best version of yourself. I love Roger Bacon!”