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Olivia Ungruhe

Class of 2017

Olivia Ungruhe '17 had a busy summer. "I zip-lined over the strip in Las Vegas, saw the Grand Canyon for the first time and then a week later was in Mexico on a mission trip."Olivia joined Back-to-Back Ministries in Monterrey, Mexico where she worked at a local orphanage. Not only did she paint and clean but she had the opportunity to spend time with the kids. "That was my favorite part," said Olivia, "the kids were so happy to have us there." Olivia also enjoyed evening prayer, "Worship each night helped me to reconnect with my faith."

Olivia, has been very involved at Roger Bacon in her three years. She is a member of the girls volleyball program, National Honor Society, played the flute in the Concert Band and this year was appointed to be a senior leader. "I am very excited to show other Spartans why Roger Bacon High School is the best school in Cincinnati." She is also looking forward to her selection to the Community Outreach Board. "I have been involved with Bacon Buddies all three years and I am ready to bring new ideas to Community Outreach."

Not only will Olivia have travelled internationally once this summer, she will have another opportunity this fall with her fellow Assisi Scholars. They will take part in a 9-day pilgrimage to Assisi and Rome, Italy as a reward for their hard work the past two years. The Assisi Scholars program is the premier top-tier academic program in the city and these Spartans deserve some time away to reflect and the opportunity to walk in the footsteps of our patron Saints, Francis and Clare.

While Olivia has yet to decide on her college plans what she does know is that her time at Roger Bacon has benefited her in many ways . "At Roger Bacon there is a community of people who care. We are small, so everyone knows everyone and there is a constant support system. And for me, the service aspect is what made my time at Roger Bacon so special."

Roger Bacon is made up of many faces, different faces. We hope to showcase a wide range of our Spartans as possible. If you would like to nominate a Spartan, past or present, to be featured as a Face of RB please click here.

“I am very excited to show other Spartans why Roger Bacon High School is the best school in Cincinnati.”

Olivia on being a senior leader