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Maria Andrews

Class of 2024

Senior Maria Andrews remembers sitting with her Mom at a gas station during the spring of her sophomore year, when the thought crossed her mind. “I think I want to look at Roger Bacon,” she exclaimed. After a few years in her public school, she was felt like she really needed a change. “I really wanted more academic challenges, for sure, but also I really wanted more diversity, and to be someplace where that diversity was accepted and embraced,” shared Maria. Her Mom made a call to someone she knew at Roger Bacon, and the rest is history. “I took my shadow day,” says Maria, “and I just loved how accepting everyone was of each other. Everyone was so nice, and it was such a welcoming community. People seemed genuinely happy that I was here, and I loved that feeling. I knew this is the school I was supposed to be at.”

Maria joined Roger Bacon for her junior year, and was immediately embraced by the Roger Bacon family. Now, as her senior year begins, Maria could not be happier with her transfer, and the Roger Bacon family she now finds herself in the middle of. “I love Roger Bacon. I love all of the opportunities we have here. I love how we all take care of each other and look out for one another. I love my teachers. There is literally something for everyone, and you really are pushed to be the best you can be. I just love it,” shares Maria.

Maria has acclimated so well, she was chosen to be a Senior Leader this year, helping to acclimate new freshman and transfer students to the welcoming community that is Roger Bacon. She also is a member of God Squad, our campus ministry, as well as Bacon Buddies and the St. Vincent de Paul Conference. Fully embracing our Franciscan values, Maria has recognized that it is through service to others that we find the most reward. “I love that we can be so focused on helping to make the world around us a better place. The smallest acts can make a big difference,” says Maria, “and I love being someplace where we are pushed to share all that is good in the world.”

Outside of Roger Bacon, Maria is also actively involved in her church, serving as a lector, and helping to lead additional community service efforts.

After a junior year that seemed to fly by, Maria has tried her best to immerse herself in her senior year. “I have been really looking forward to just doing everything I can to make Roger Bacon, and myself better. I love being a Senior Leader. I plan on leading the Kairos retreat this year. I have really loved getting closer to my classmates and teachers, and moving closer to graduation,” states Maria.

Although Maria’s favorite area of study is science, where she is currently taking Astronomy, Physics, and Environmental Science, her favorite teacher at RB is a toss-up between Mr. Nick Rosenfeldt in English and Autumn Meyer in Physics. “They are both wonderful teachers,” says Maria. “Mr. Rosenfeldt is so funny. He is just so energetic and smart and full of personality. I love Ms. Meyer because she is bubbly, and so nice, and just really cares about all of her students.”

In fact, it is the teachers at Roger Bacon that have stood out the most to Maria during her time here. “One small thing I have really come to love is that the teachers go out into the hallways between classes and talk to students. I can’t tell you how many times they have put a smile on my face by just asking me how I was doing or how my day was,” explains Maria. “It makes almost impossible to have a bad day when it is so obvious how much the teachers care about you.”

Maria is hoping to study Forensic Science in college, and would like to attend Ohio University. “Roger Bacon has helped me develop my passion for service, so I would like to choose a field where I can help other people. It is a field in science where I can help people, and also be challenged every day,” shared Maria.

As for her advice to other students looking to find their own “best fit” for high school, Maria has sage advice. “My easy answer for you is to just pick Roger Bacon,” laughs Maria. “You want to find a school that has lots of opportunities. A place that will accept you for who you are, and let you be yourself. A place that will support your dreams, and push you to be your best. There is something here for every student. I am so glad I am at Roger Bacon!”

“Maria brings such a positive attitude to class every day. Her smile is extremely contagious and always brightens my day. She is thoughtful, hardworking, helpful and is an amazing leader during labs. Overall, Maria is amazing and I am so lucky to have her in my Astronomy and Physics class this year!”

Ms. Autumn Meyer Science Department