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Malakai Johnson

Class of 2021

As an eighth grader at Corryville Catholic, Senior Malakai Johnson saw something in Roger Bacon he didn’t see at other schools he shadowed. “Roger Bacon was just so calm. Everyone I encountered, from my host, Tymere Tuck ’20, to the other students, we so relaxed, and there was a family atmosphere you could feel. It really seemed like everyone was a family, and it was a place where I would have the best chance to succeed” says Malakai.

Reflecting on his four years at Roger Bacon, as his senior year winds down, Malakai found everything he had hoped for, and more. “The family environment is real. Everyone is so calm. There just doesn’t seem to be the distractions you may have at other places. It helps to keep you focused and successful,” shares Malakai. “I also have been lucky to have such personal relationships with my teachers. I saw this when I shadowed here, and just didn’t see that at other schools. All my teachers, I feel I can really talk to them, about school or anything else. They are all such good people. I can talk to them about any problem, and will stay in touch with them when I leave here. My teachers are one of the things I will miss the most.”

Malakai has great memories of his four years at RB. “I have made such great friends, and just really enjoyed spending time with my classmates, especially my football teammates. Winning the 2020 (regional) championship was definitely a highlight, homecoming of course. The pep rallies and going to games and stuff, it has just been a great four years,” says Malakai.

Along with being a standout, and captain, on the football team, Malakai also has been very involved with service opportunities, through Roger Bacon as well as Boys Hope Girls Hope of Cincinnati. As Malakai shares, “Service is something I really fell in love with. I just like when you do something to make things better for someone, and you get to see that smile on their face.”

With just several weeks left until graduation, Malakai is looking forward to the future. He recently started a new job at Kroger, and will be continuing his studies at the University of Cincinnati, where he plans to major in sport management. “My dream job is to be an NFL general manager, but I could also seem myself working at the high school level, coming back to Roger Bacon and sharing what I learned here, and making someone else’s experience here special, like it has been for me,” says Malakai.

As for advice to those prospective students looking to make their own high school decision? “I would tell those eighth graders to go somewhere where you can feel included, where you can find success, and where you feel like you have a family,” says Malakai. “Find some place different that stands out and a place where they will really care about you. I found that place at Roger Bacon, and you will too.”

“I’ve been distinctly lucky to have had Mali in class for three straight years. I’ve been blessed to see him grow and mature into the young man he is today. Mali is just one of those students that you want in your classroom. Not only does his smile light up the room, but he is exceedingly compassionate. Mali is so caring, but not to the loss of honesty; he knows when and how to challenge those that need to be called out, but does so in a way that lifts them up and not put them down. Mali is fun-loving and absolutely a delight to be around!”

Adam Couch Theology Department