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Faces of Roger Bacon
Class of 2020
It’s hard to believe that only four years ago, Jake Mumper ‘20 was an energetic, enthusiastic freshman who always seemed to be on the go. Now well into his senior year, Jake has grown to be a compassionate leader who brings the same enthusiasm and energy to everything he does. School involvement has always been important to Jake, and he’s glad Roger Bacon has given him the opportunity to be so involved. As a multi-sport athlete, senior leader, student senator, and a member of the academic team, Jake is a living example of how RB students thrive when they are active in the many facets of student life.
Jake has been enjoying every moment of his senior football
season. One of the highlights so far was Friday’s Homecoming victory
over CHCA. “Winning
at Homecoming for the first time in a decade was a big deal,”
said Jake. “We knew we were facing a tough team, but we had confidence
and knew we
were prepared for them. We kept our foot on the gas the whole
time, gave it our all, and everything came together for a great result.”
Jake is
excited to see what the rest of the season will bring for him
and his teammates.
While Jake is a hard worker on the football field, he is also a dedicated student. Jake takes honors and AP classes, and he’s not afraid to challenge himself. He also appreciates the help and support he receives from his teachers. Jake explained, “Coach Kathman is one of the people who is always there for me. I’ve had him for two years in math, he’s been coaching me in football for four years. He’s very patient when I ask questions, and he’s always willing to put in the time to help his students. He’s a great example of how to act toward other people, and how to be a Franciscan.”
Jake’s teachers and coaches are impressed with the many ways he lives out Franciscan Values in the classroom and on the field. In addition to football, Jake is a wrestler. Wrestling coach and Spanish teacher Chris Blanton said, “Jake is a very gifted athlete and student, yet he’s always humble. He’s just an overall great young man who puts others before himself and works hard to get the job done, whatever it may be!” Many of Jake’s other teachers agreed. Theology teacher Adam Couch sees Jake living out Franciscan Values in the classroom. Mr. Couch explained, “Jake has a lot going for him – he’s intelligent, a committed athlete, and kind to those he meets. What stands out to me, though, is how Jake captures our Franciscan Value of Joy. Not only does he keep a smile on his face throughout the day, but he also keeps a positive attitude while facing difficulties. He doesn’t let his struggles bring others down, but rather exudes a confidence and acceptance that positively influences others – this is true Franciscan Joy.”
Jake exemplifies many of the Franciscan Values we care about at RB. While his teachers and coaches describe him as joyful and humble, Jake said the value that resonates most with him is gratitude. “I have so much in my life to be grateful for,” Jake said. “I’m surrounded by great friends, family, teachers, and teammates. I’m grateful for all of the people in my life. I have a ton of opportunities here at Roger Bacon, and so much to look forward to in the future. Life is good!”
Roger Bacon is made up of many faces, different faces. We hope to showcase as wide a range of our Spartans as possible. If you would like to nominate a Spartan, past or present, to be featured as a Face of RB please click here