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Faces of Roger Bacon
Class of 2023
As she began to look at high schools, sophomore Gabrielle Neiderhausen only knew she wanted a smaller school and a coed environment. Her principal at Our Lady of Lourdes, Ms. Heather Bessler, suggested Gabrielle may want to look at a high school where she herself taught in the late 2000s - Roger Bacon.
During her shadow day, Gabrielle found a small, family environment where everyone welcomed her with open arms. “I shadowed with Sammi Hoffman, and I remember distinctly how each teacher made me feel welcome. They made a point to connect personally with me. Everyone that day was just so honest and welcoming, and I knew this was where I wanted to be,” says Gabrielle.
Gabrielle has thoroughly enjoyed her time at Roger Bacon. She highlights a student body that is small, but still widely diverse, as well as the endless activities available to students. Gabrielle’s hobbies at Roger Bacon include Girls' Lacrosse and God Squad, a student led club that plans celebrations such as school masses and other worship opportunities. Gabrielle also plays softball in the summer, and even some of her friends don’t know that she loves to read and write poetry in her spare time.
One of the highlights for Gabrielle on a day-to-day basis at school is a certain Principal that likes to remind students, “Life is Good.” Gabrielle shared, “Mr. Schad is one of my favorite things about Roger Bacon. I just didn’t know that a Principal could care this much about his students. He is so proud of all of us, and so good at showing us how proud he is all the time. And who wouldn’t love a Principal that sings in the hallways. It makes Roger Bacon unlike any other place. It is just such a happy place."
The happy environment and “Life is Good” optimism helped Gabrielle navigate the COVID-19 crisis, which saw her freshman year and lacrosse season cut short. “It all happened so fast. I must admit I didn’t like remote learning as much as being at Roger Bacon every day, but I did feel my teachers tried to keep us as connected as possible. I was bummed when lacrosse got cancelled, but just tried to make the best of it,” she shares. Gabrielle is thrilled Roger Bacon has maintained an “in-person” commitment to the school year. “I just am so happy here, and I love to come to school and see my friends and know that I make them as happy as they make me,” says Gabrielle.
One highlight at Roger Bacon was a moment things didn’t go exactly as planned. Gabrielle says she was having a really tough day last year, “I just lost it, breaking down in the cafeteria and having a tough time.” Out of nowhere, fellow Spartan Corey Kiner walked up to check on her, to make sure she was ok, and see if there was anything she needed or if he could walk with her to the guidance office. “After Corey stopped, suddenly other students came up and started checking on me. This is what makes Roger Bacon so special. You are never alone,” says Gabrielle.
Although just a sophomore, Gabrielle is already thinking about college, and has Ohio State and Alabama at the top of her list of schools. As Gabrielle shares, “I would love to be either an OB/GYN nurse and work in labor and delivery, or a veterinarian. I love babies, and I love animals, and I think I could make a difference helping others, while doing something I love.”