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Faces of Roger Bacon
Class of 2021
As you walk the halls of Roger Bacon, you will see many smiling faces, you will hear laughter, and you will feel welcomed. One of those smiling, laughing, welcoming Spartans is Gabby Hopkins ’21. As a freshman, you come into a new environment – it can be scary, and intimidating. Gabby felt that Roger Bacon has been everything but that. “I was set on an all-girl school, I had gone to camps there and everything. Roger Bacon was my first shadow last year, then when I went to the other school, I knew that my mind was changed by the environment at Roger Bacon.” Gabby was impressed by the teachers, she liked the schedule better than block schedules and was most impressed with the student body. “My host, Anneliese ’19, was so nice. She made me feel comfortable and I just knew that this was the place for me.”
Gabby has grown up in Finneytown and attended Annunciation School in Clifton. She was the first student in her class to decide she was going to come to Roger Bacon. “I was happy when my best friend, Endia ’21 decided to also come to Roger Bacon. Even though she is here I have made many new friends in this freshman class.” Gabby prides herself on knowing everyone in the Class of 2021 and she really likes them. “There are so many different people, I have the same experiences in life as some, and others, we are different, but I feel like I continue to learn from them.” Gabby has started off the year by getting involved in many parts of the school. She was on the freshman volleyball team, joined the new club Sisters for Life (S4L), is auditioning for the spring musical and plans to run track. “There are a lot of opportunities to get involved, and there are more things to discover, I really wanted to go on March for Life this year and I also want to join the Art Club. Once our current S4L leaders graduate, I would be honored to be the student leader. I think that we need more student run clubs, so I would even be interested in starting something after school, for those of us who wait for rides.”
Gabby believes her cheery disposition can be attributed to her family. “I love to spend time with my family outside of school. My mom is always happy, and I think her attitude has rubbed off on me.” Gabby’s older sister and brother-in-law live in Portland, Oregon with her brand new niece, “We only get to see each other a few times a year. Over the holidays I made sure to spend time with them while they were here.” Over the Christmas break, Gabby not only spent time with family, but got together with her former classmates from Annunciation and went caroling around her neighborhood. This is just an example of her willingness to share her love for life with others. People in the building at Roger Bacon recognize Gabby for her enthusiasm. Mr. Burke, Roger Bacon’s President, says – “Gabby is one of the most pleasant people I know at Roger Bacon. She is always generous with a smile and a heartfelt welcome that can brighten anyone’s day."
Ms. Brizzi, who nominated Gabby as our newest Face of RB says, “Gabby is a shining example of a Franciscan Catholic. She is an active participant in theology class and has strong knowledge of Catholicism and the life of Francis. She resembles Francis through her welcoming mannerisms and her dedication to her faith life. We are lucky to have Gabby at RB and I am so excited to see her thrive throughout the years!”
Roger Bacon is made up of many faces, different faces. We hope to showcase a wide range of our Spartans as possible. If you would like to nominate a Spartan, past or present, to be featured as a Face of RB please click here