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Emily Bruns

Class of 2019

When the musical Oklahoma! was cast last spring, a new face was front and center, Emily Bruns ’19. “I was so surprised when I saw the set list, I immediately started crying – I’ve never been a lead and it was challenging but so much fun.” Emily said she thought the call-back was just for experience, and when she was cast as the female lead, she couldn’t believe it. Ms. Murray, our Drama teacher and Play Director says, “With it being my first year, I had no idea of the true talent of each student so there was no bias based on the year of the student. To have a sophomore student come in with such confidence and talent, it was refreshing to see. She sang the role beautifully and carried the innocence and stubbornness of Laurey well. Emily has a drive within her that doesn't stop. She is an excellent singer and actress, it is an honor to work with her every day and watch her grow on and off the stage.” Emily is just as excited to work with Ms. Murray each day, “I am so thankful for Ms. Murray, she has been amazing, I am so grateful that she is at Roger Bacon.” Ms. Murray not only reintroduced theatre classes to the building but also introduced Roger Bacon to the Cappies of Greater Cincinnati. This is an organization comprised of student critics from 23 area high schools who travel, view drama productions, write reviews and then, at the end of the school year, nominate schools' productions for various awards (Best Sound, Best Lighting, Best Musical, etc). Emily was the first student from Roger Bacon to be published for her review of The Curious Savage at Cincinnati Christian High School. “This was the first review I have ever written. There are 30-40 student critics and only 10 get chosen. I was very proud and shocked that an excerpt from my first critique was published."

The addition of critiquing area theatre offerings plays right into Emily’s interest. “I have done theatre my whole life. I am a pretty quiet person, so I get to be someone else and relate to other things I don’t really relate to in real life.” This year, her role in our Fall Play Steel Magnolias, helps her to relate to motherhood. “I get to play the Mom which is something I definitely don’t know in real-life. Our cast is just six girls all together, most of the others don’t have that much experience – but we have all grown through the preparation for this very emotional play.” There has been a lot of preparation for the play, but Emily continues to work hard in the classroom and in other organizations on campus.

Emily is an Assisi Scholar, a member of RB3, she has joined the concert band and is learning how to play the flute, and lastly, she is on the Community Outreach Board. As a member of the Outreach Board, Emily is very involved in the Archbishop Leibold Home offerings. “Last year, when I first started volunteering at the Archbishop Leibold home, I was a little uncomfortable. I didn’t know how to relate to senior citizens, but after a few times there I really got to know them and they got to know me. I really enjoy going to visit them.” This year, Emily and fellow Outreach Board member Christine Hoffman are Archbishop Leibold Project leaders – and the group of students that go to visit has more than doubled since last year. Joe Montgomery, our Music teacher, is very impressed with Emily’s involvement: “Emily is a great example of how a student can be involved in so many activities at RB. I'm not sure I know how she does it. It's amazing the amount of talent and dedication Emily has, not just to music, but to RB overall by sharing herself in so many ways. There's no better face to choose - you will literally see it at every performance!"

Roger Bacon is made up of many faces, different faces. We hope to showcase a wide range of our Spartans as possible. If you would like to nominate a Spartan, past or present, to be featured as a Face of RB please click here

“I nominated Emily Bruns to be a face of RB for many reasons. Through just three years of knowing her, she has impacted my life in so many positive ways. Emily has always been the friend someone can go to for help. I often find her dropping her responsibilities to help those around her first. Even when doing this, she still manages to stay on top of school, theatre, RB3, and work. Emily is patient, well-rounded, giving and witty, which makes is a pleasure for anyone who gets to interact with her. I personally look up to Emily as someone I want to model after in life because of her positive attitude towards everything around her.”

Olivia Crane Class of 2019