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Colin Doyle

Class of 2022

When Colin Doyle ’22 was making the decision on where he wanted to go to high school, Roger Bacon was last on the list, literally. After visits to two East side Catholic schools, and the public school in his Milford neighborhood, Colin came to Roger Bacon with no familiarity and little idea of what to expect. When he left that day, he looked at his Mom and said “This is where I am going to high school.”

Now, as a junior, Colin is thankful he chose Roger Bacon, as it has become more than just a high school. “What I love about Roger Bacon is that it really is a family. Anyone who comes here is accepted, embraced, and celebrated like they are a family member. It is a great place to call home,” explained Colin.

Colin credits the small class sizes, the diverse student body, and the wonderful teachers for helping him to feel like he was right at home since day one. He also credits Roger Bacon’s drama teacher Catie Murray for helping to bring the best out of him. Colin earned the role of Peter in The Diary of Anne Frank and earned a featured role in Singin’ in the Rain last spring. “The drama guild is really a true family, and Ms. Murray has really worked with me to bring me out of my shell and make me feel confident in performing,” states Colin. “What is great about Roger Bacon is that there is always someone there to support and encourage you in whatever you are doing, whether it is a class, or the play, or sports, it is just a special place.” Colin took his love of theater a step farther last year when he was chosen from students all over the city to participate in the Cappies, writing reviews for productions at other high schools.

The impact of Ms. Murray and his experience with the drama guild has had profound impact on Colin. As he begins to look at colleges, both locally and away from home, Colin is looking forward to continuing to learn more about the dramatic arts, and the window it provides to learning about himself. “I don’t know what I want to major in yet, but drama will also be an important part of my life, and something that I will be working on, participating in, and falling more in love with.”

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“Colin Doyle has continuously surprised us within the Fine Arts Department at Roger Bacon. When conducting the auditions for the fall production of The Diary of Anne Frank this past school year, Colin stood out with his calm demeanor and humility. He himself didn’t know how great he was and perfectly executed the role of Peter van Daan. It was a pleasant surprise to know that he has a great voice in his audition for the spring production of Singin’ in the Rain. It may have taken some coaxing but he was ready to be the leading man and soloist for the song “Beautiful Girl” within the production. Colin has been a shining light at Roger Bacon and remains so genuine to anyone he interacts with. We are lucky to have him at RB and look forward to seeing what he will do in his remaining two years!”

Ms. Catie Murray Drama and Choir Director