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Bridget Woeste

Class of 2018

Hard work pays off and Bridget Woeste '18 is all about hard work. As a freshman at Roger Bacon, Bridget had no idea where all of her dedication would lead her. Now, in her junior year, Bridget who started off taking College/Career courses is taking AP courses and was just asked to apply for National Honor Society. "I never thought I'd be taking the classes I am. I have an IEP and just never thought I'd have the opportunity for things like NHS." Bridget attributes her success to the small environment at Roger Bacon and all of the people who believe in her. "I have all the support I need -- between Ms. Carpenter and flex. I take advantage of being in Mr. Cheesman's flex bell. It helps that he is one of my coaches and I really like that he's in the building. I have built a relationship with Mr. Cheesman and he is always willing to help me."

We cannot take away from all of Bridget's hard work. A three-sport athlete and member of the Academic Team, Bridget is dedicated to the communities she is involved in. Not only is she an involved Spartan, she is juggles other roles at her parish and is a regular volunteer at the Greenhills Library. "I love working at the library. I needed service hours as a freshman, but it has since turned into an important part of my life." Bridget thrives off the connections she makes. She finds great pleasure in speaking with the elderly patrons who come in to get books and working with the kids in the summer program.

Bridget has been told by her friends that she'd make a great teacher. She is not sure what she wants to study, but her enthusiasm for school bleeds out into her home life. "My favorite class at school right now is 'Movies as History', it's a pretty chill class. We watch old movies and then learn new things about the time period it is based in." She really likes learning these new things and then being able to go home and show the movie to her parents or teach them something new. Doc Wittekind, who teaches 'Movies as History' says, "She writes thoughtful and insightful reflections about the movies we watch in class. Bridget is always laughing, smiling, and very pleasant. She is a tremendous representative of the students in our "Body Bacon."

Bridget's ability to connect with people is why she was nominated by her friend, Tionna Jordan '18, "Bridget Woeste is a great friend to have. She keeps you on track and has a smile that just brightens everyone's day. Bridget is a loving person to have in your life all of the time. She is easy to talk to and she understands your issues." Just like Doc and Tionna said, Bridget is always beaming; her ability to navigate the road of high school and life, with a smile on her face, is inspiring to others. Ms. Carpenter is inspired: "Bridget is the hardest working student I know. She works so hard and never complains about it. Her drive and determination make me sure she will do amazing things in life. She never fails to put a smile on my face and make me realize I want to work harder to help her because no one deserves it more."

Roger Bacon is made up of many faces, different faces. We hope to showcase a wide range of our Spartans as possible. If you would like to nominate a Spartan, past or present, to be featured as a Face of RB please click here

“She is a tremendous representative of the students in our Body Bacon.”

Dr. Paul Wittekind