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Faces of Roger Bacon
Class of 2024
Junior Adam Ghering saw the possibilities of Roger Bacon as early as his shadow day. Although Adam is a Roger Bacon legacy (mom Abby Hunt Ghering ’96) who had heard great things about the school, it was his shadow day with host Justin Dinh, ’22, that Adam could see himself at RB. “I could see right away that this was a place I would be challenged and grow academically, but could also have a fresh start. A place that had really wonderful people that I could just be myself around and make new friends,” shares Adam.
Two and a half years later, Adam has made the most of his time at Roger Bacon. Adam is an Assisi Scholar, working through a challenging academic load, while also staying busy with friends and extra-curricular activities. You may have heard him as the “voice of Roger Bacon sports,” broadcasting athletic activities on the Twitch streaming app. Adam is also a member of Community Outreach Board, the Chess club, and the Academic team, where he nailed the game winning question to secure a win for this year’s senior night match. With just three semesters left at Roger Bacon, Adam plans to take advantage of what lies ahead. “There is so much to look forward to. Finishing the semester strong, broadcasting some baseball games, and maybe even going to prom. Then starting the college process. Next year, I am really excited that my brother, Jack, will be a freshman, and we get to be here together for a year. I am also really looking forward to going to Assisi next year. I have heard such wonderful things about the trip, and can’t wait for all of my hard work to pay off, and experience that with my classmates,” shares Adam.
Adam is not completely sure about what he wants to study in college, thought something involving math, such as a career in Finance, he believes would be a great fit. Adam’s favorite subject so far is Honors Pre-Calculus with Mr. Kathman.
When reflecting on what it is that makes Roger Bacon so different, Adam points to the Roger Bacon family. “This is just such a welcoming community and student body. It is really the main reason I chose Roger Bacon. Everyone knows each other, and just watching such a close knit community interact with each other every day is special. Even something as simple teachers saying “Hi” to you by name when passing in the hallway, makes a big difference,” explains Adam.
The other thing that stands out to Adam about Roger Bacon, is that everyone is free to be themselves. Shares Adam, “My freshman year, we were at orientation, and Corey Kiner, ’21 was my senior leader. I won’t forget him telling us that it was better if we didn’t blend in with everyone else. That we should be different, and be ourselves, and stand out, and we would be accepted, and he was right. That is just a great part about Roger Bacon.”
When asked if there was anything he wants to make sure people know about him, Adam points to a philosophy that was strengthened during 8th grade. “I just believe it is really important to never lose HOPE. You can’t give up,” says Adam. “When I was in 8th grade, we missed the last three months due to COVID-19. We were out of school, the play that spring was cancelled, and graduation was not the same. We just had to keep pushing through. I made the best out of what I was left with, and want other people to do the same.”
Just a few years after making his own high school pick, and having just observed as his younger brother Jack make his own decision, Adam shares his advice for those students looking to pick their own high school destination. “Your high school will be your home away from home. You want a place that has great academics, but also want a great community,” says Adam. “Roger Bacon is full of opportunities, from academics, to travel, to all of the programs, but what makes it special is the people. The students and teachers that make up this family. There is no place like RB!”