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Roger Bacon students are required to wear a uniform daily.
Dress Code for Boys:
Shirts: Any solid white, collared dress shirt with long or short sleeve
may be worn. The other option is a polo style shirt purchased only from
the RB Spirit Shop or from one of our official online partners. Shirts
are to be tucked in at all times.
(2) Pants: Any solid colored dress
pants of the following colors may be worn: khaki, brown, navy blue, or
black. Jeans or denims are not permitted nor are any pants which look
like jeans. Pants must have belt loops and belts are to be worn to
maintain pants at waist level at all times. Draw string pants or pants
with pockets on the outside (cargo pants) are not permitted. Pants which
are gathered, pinned or torn at the cuff are not permitted.
Shorts: Any dress shorts of the following colors may be worn: khaki,
brown, navy blue, or black. Shorts must be modest in length (no more
than three (3) inches above the knee). Shorts must have belt loops and
belts are to be worn to maintain shorts at waist level at all times.
Draw string shorts or shorts with pockets on the outside (cargo shorts)
are not permitted.
(4) Outerwear: Any non-hooded Roger Bacon
sweatshirt, sweater, fleece or jacket may be worn at any time over a
regulation school polo shirt or button down white shirt. They may not to
be draped over the shoulders nor tied at the waist. Students may not
wear non-Roger Bacon jackets or coats during the school day. Students
will receive one Roger Bacon sweatshirt from the school. (Students:
Remember this saying: "RB, no hood, you're good!")
(5) Shoes: Dress, casual or gym shoes must be worn. Shoes with open toes or open heels are not permitted.
(6) Socks: Socks worn with shoes should not be eccentric in design or color.
Jewelry & Piercings: No sunglasses, medallions, pendants, beads or
earrings may be worn in school. Tongue piercing, nose piercing, or any
other body piercing is not permitted.
(8) Hair: Hair must be cut
above the eyebrows and shirt collar. Only natural hair color or natural
hair color highlights are permitted. Eccentric hairstyles, designs of
any type, ponytails or buns, and hair accessories (rubber bands,
hairbands, etc.) of any kind are not permitted. The administration is
the final judge on these matters. Students told to get a haircut or
change a hairstyle must comply by the date given by the administration,
or may not be permitted to attend classes until the changes have been
(9) Facial Hair: Students must be cleanly shaven at all times: beards, mustaches, sideburns and goatees are not permitted.
(10) Tattoos: Tattoos may not be visible at any time.
(11) Hats: Hats may not be worn in the school building at any time.
Dress Code for Girls:
Skirts: The plaid uniform skirt is optional and may be worn at any
time. The skirt may be no shorter than three inches above the knee.
Shorts are not to show from under the skirt. Uniform skirts may be
purchased from Schoolbelles or Educational Outfitters. Tights may be
worn under the skirt, but they must extend down through the foot or down
to the ankle. The following colors are permitted: white, black, brown
or grey. To promote modesty and self-respect, the length of skirts will
be checked. If the skirt is more than three (3) inches above the knee,
the student will be issued an official warning that will be registered
with the Assistant Principal. The second offense will result in one (1)
day of JUG. In the event of a third offense, the student will no longer
be permitted to wear the skirt that school year.
(2) Shirts: Any
solid white, collared dress shirt with long or short sleeve may be worn.
The other option is a polo style shirt purchased only from the RB
Spirit Shop or from one of our official online partners. Shirts are to
be tucked in at all times unless they are the banded RB polo style shirt
purchased in the RB Spirit Shop.
(3) Pants: Any solid colored dress
pants of the following colors may be worn: khaki, brown, navy blue, or
black. Jeans, leggings, or denims are not permitted nor are any pants
which look like jeans. Pants with pockets on the outside (cargo pants)
are not permitted. Pants which are gathered, pinned or torn at the cuff
are not permitted.
(4) Capris: Defined as going below the knee, may be worn in the following colors: khaki, brown, navy blue, or black.
Outerwear: Any non-hooded Roger Bacon sweatshirt, sweater, fleece or
jacket may be worn at any time over a regulation school polo shirt or
button down white shirt. They may not to be draped over the shoulders
nor tied at the waist. Students may not wear non-Roger Bacon jackets or
coats during the school day. Students will receive one Roger Bacon
sweatshirt from the school. (Students: Remember this saying: "RB, no
hood, you're good!")
(6) Shoes: Dress, casual or gym shoes must be
worn. Shoes with open toes or open heels are not permitted. No shoe of
any kind may extend above the ankle.
(7) Socks: Socks worn with shoes should not be eccentric in design or color.
Jewelry & Piercings: No sunglasses may be worn during school. Girls
may wear no more than three (3) earrings per ear and may not wear
earrings longer than two (2) inches. Tongue piercing, nose piercing, or
any other body piercing is not permitted.
(9) Hair and Makeup:
Eccentric hairstyles are not permitted. Only natural hair color or
natural hair color highlights are permitted. Hair should be neatly
groomed, and may not cover your eyes or face. No heavy makeup is
(10) Tattoos: Tattoos may not be visible at any time.
Bacon has specific days (to include Brown/White dress down
privileges) in which the regular dress code does not apply. Many times
there is a fee of $1 to participate. The regulations are as follows:
1. A
RB T-shirt, sweatshirt, warm up jacket or fleece may be worn. RB spirit
wear is NOT permitted to be altered or torn in anyway. Athletes or any
club members are permitted to wear their team or organization’s shirt or
2. Jeans or any Roger Bacon bottoms (i.e., sweatpants,
warm-up pants, etc.) may be worn with the appropriate top. Jeans or any
bottoms are not to be ripped, frayed or altered in any way.
3. Dress code regulations for shoes apply.
4. RB hoodies, non-RB sweatpants, leggings/jeggings, jean shorts and sport shorts are NOT permitted.
Uniform tops can be purchased at the Roger Bacon Spirit Shop, located on campus in the cafeteria. They can also be purchased online. Find out more at the link below.
Roger Bacon Spirit ShopUniform skirts and other accessories can be purchased at Schoolbelles, one of our official uniform suppliers. You can find out more by clicking the link below. Roger Bacon's school code is S1943.
Uniform skirts and other accessories can be purchased at Shaheen's, one of our official uniform suppliers. You can find out more by clicking the link below, or scanning the QR Code below.