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Students & Parents
In an effort to maintain a safe and healthy school community, Roger Bacon encourages our students to look out for each other. We provide our students and parents a platform to anonymously report student safety concerns, such as bullying, harassment, school threats, self-harm, or drug use.
To anonymously report an issue click the link below.
Report a ConcernRoger Bacon High School has emergency plans and procedures to protect our students and staff during emergencies. Our safety plan includes provisions to protect staff and students in the event of an emergency, such as fire, tornado, terrorist activity, hostile intruder, hazardous release, and bomb threat.
If any of these types of events occurred, we would take direction from the local public health and safety officials to protect our students and staff. It is important for you to understand that our building would be secured with no one being allowed to enter or leave the building until local officials have given us clearance.
Roger Bacon will make every effort to communicate the status of our students to you; however, it is extremely important that you do not attempt to come to school to remove your student. Again, no one will be allowed to enter or leave the building until local officials have given us clearance.
Each year, we perform a drill to practice our school emergency plan. We also encourage you to prepare your home and family for an emergency event. For example, if there were a chemical spill at your workplace or a terrorist attack, is there a plan in place for your child? Does s/he know whom to contact? Please visit www.ready.gov for tips and information to better prepare your family.
Roger Bacon continues to take proactive measures to protect the safety of all our students and staff members. We thank you for understanding your role in our emergency procedures. Please contact the school at 513-641-1300 if you would like further information about our emergency procedures.