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Students & Parents
The French Club is open to any student wishing to learn more about culture and language. Students participate in projects and activities for each meeting, like cooking, watching a film or discussing global issues.
This year our community service focus is Haiti. We are planning several fundraising events for an orphanage in Haiti. In addition, we are raising money to send to the Catholic Medical Mission Board to help fight the spread of cholera in Haiti following the devastation left by Hurricane Matthew.
We have also run French Club programs at St. Clement’s School in St. Bernard and Winton Hills Academy in the past and hope to start these programs up again this winter. We are excited to extend our interest in language and culture to the community!
The French Department also offers travel opportunities to all members of the Roger Bacon Community. In the past few years, we have visited Canada, France, Ireland, Germany, London, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
Ms. LeKynik Meyer
World Languages Department 513-641-1300 15639 Send a message