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Health Services


A licensed school nurse is on campus to promote the physical and emotional
health of students and their capacity to learn. The school nurse provides the following

  • Illness and injury assessments and interventions
  • Immunization compliance tracking
  • Communicable and chronic disease management
  • Administration of medication
  • School safety and emergency response support
  • Health screenings

Health Screenings

State laws pertaining to vision and hearing screening will be followed. Currently, all freshmen, juniors and new upperclassmen will be screened for hearing and vision. If a reason exists that a parent objects to any of the health screenings, a written statement to that effect must be sent to the nurse.


An important part of our safety plan is ensuring that students who are sick are not permitted to come to school. If you are sick, please stay home. Check the temperature of students before leaving home. Students with a temperature of 100.4 degrees of higher should stay at home.

Students who become ill during the school day are to report to the nurse’s office before a parent is notified. If the nurse determines that the student needs to go home, a parent/guardian will be notified according to the student’s medical emergency authorization form.


Ohio law requires all students to be immunized for school attendance. It is the parent’s responsibility to provide written documentation of the student’s immunization record (month, day and year) to school personnel by the fourteenth day of school attendance. In cases where parents do not immunize due to philosophical, religious or medical reasons, a waiver form can be obtained from the school nurse. You can find the link below for the Ohio Immunization Summary.

All incoming 12th grade students are required to show proof of having received the two doses of the Meningococcal vaccine.

Proof of complete immunizations is required within 14 days after enrollment in school or the student is excluded from school until the shots or an appointment date is on file with the nurse.


School personnel are prohibited from giving any medication to a student
without written permission from a parent/guardian; in the case of prescription medication, the written order of a licensed prescriber is also required. Students may not carry or administer their own medications, with the exception of asthma inhalers, Epi-Pens, and insulin. When it is necessary for medication to be administered during school hours, the following procedures must be followed:

  • A prescription Medication Form or an Over-the-Counter Medication Form must be submitted to the school nurse before any medication will be administered.
  • The parent/guardian must assume responsibilities for safe delivery of the medication and the signed permission forms to the school nurse. The medication must be received in the original container in which it was dispensed or purchased.
  • The parent/guardian shall assume all responsibility for outcomes resulting from failure to provide necessary emergency medications and authorization.
  • The School may stock a supply of frequently requested medications such as Tylenol, Ibuprofen and Tums. Other medications may be supplied by the parent/guardian and kept in the nurse's office for student use when accompanied by a written request.
  • If there is a change in a student's health status, recent illness/injury, or a new drug allergy diagnosis, the parent/guardian is required to notify the school nurse as soon as possible.

Tuberculosis Test Requirements

All foreign-born, newly enrolled students who have been in the USA for 5 years or less must provide documented evidence of having a negative TB test within 90 days of enrollment in school. Any current student who travels at any time to a high risk country in a non-tourist capacity, must provide evidence of a negative TB test in no less than 60 days but no more than 90 days after their return from travel.