Evening for Excellence $10,000 Grand Raffle sponsored by the Roger Bacon Alumni Association! Click DETAILS to purchase your chances!
Students & Parents
DelightMore Events to Remember will be operating our school lunch program, as well as handling other catered events throughout the campus.
To load money on your account you can send Cash, Check (Payable to Delightmore with ID number in memo section) to the school office in an envelope with the student first & last name and 5 digit ID number on it.
You can also call the Delightmore Accounting Office at 513-841-9999 and pay by credit card. There is a credit card service fee.
When the school year starts these payment can be brought to the cafeteria in the morning before school or wait until the lunch rush ends to bring account deposits to the register.
Invoices for accounts will be emailed to parents. Which will have an option to pay online with a credit card or send payment in with your student.
Please keep accounts in good standing.
Menu Suggestions or Food Comments:
Questions about your Individual Account
513-641-1300 ext. 1109