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Spiritual Life
This group of students meets monthly to plan the upcoming All School Liturgies, writing petitions, giving suggestions for homily topics, and planning for special celebrations during Mass. Students also coordinate our many ministries at Mass, including Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, and Altar Servers.
Participating in a senior retreat is a graduation requirement. Kairos, a three day (two night) retreat directed by RB faculty/student teams, has become the highlight of the retreat experience for most seniors. Kairos fosters interpersonal sharing of stories that builds a strong sense of the Christian community. Students who choose not to participate in the Kairos retreat must make individual arrangements to attend a retreat approved by the Campus Minister.
This optional, overnight retreat, offers students time away to reflect on what it means to be a valuable member of a community,
specifically a community of faith. This retreat is offered to Juniors as a
means of preparing them for their senior Kairos Retreat.
The Campus Ministry Team is a group of sophomore, junior, and seniors at Roger Bacon. This team includes elements of prayer, service,
in-school events, Catholic holidays, and bi-weekly meetings.
The goal of this team is to be the to-go-to for faith relates services
and to
spread a positive atmosphere at RB.
Senior Leaders partner with Campus Ministry to provide faith
sharing opportunities for their Freshmen Communities throughout the
year. Senior/Freshmen
Communities meet each month to discuss topics of faith,
prayer, school life, and upcoming events. Seniors also escort their
Freshmen Communities
to the first two All School Liturgies and various social
events throughout the year.
All seniors who have completed the Kairos retreat are invited to gather monthly for small group reflection and prayer. This is an opportunity for students to allow their experience on the Kairos retreat to continue throughout their senior year. Each month focuses on a different prayer or faith-sharing topic as we challenge our students to truly "Live the Fourth."