Evening for Excellence $10,000 Grand Raffle sponsored by the Roger Bacon Alumni Association! Click DETAILS to purchase your chances!
If half of our 15,000+ alumni ‘give their grad year’ like Tanner, Sammi, Jerimiah & Zuri, or Susan, we will raise upwards of $2,000,000 for our Annual Fund Drive every year.
If one alumni makes a one time give your grad year gift, it will pay for lunch for a week for a low-income student.
If one alumni makes a recurring monthly give your grad year gift, it will pay for a student to attend plays & home sporting events free of charge for the entire school year.
Together, YOU will make a difference!
CLICK HERE TO GIVE YOUR GRAD YEAR"As a member of the Roger Bacon class of 2011, the values instilled within the walls of Roger Bacon have been carried forward through my academic and professional career. To this day, many of the relationships and bonds created through Roger Bacon hold strong today, as I continue to hangout with many of my former classmates. I felt it was my responsibility to give back to the school that had given so much too me. It’s a small token of my appreciation to the school, administrators, classmates, and teachers that walked and continue to walk the halls."
"Roger Bacon will always hold a special place in my heart. I met some incredible friends, staff, and coaches that will always have a huge impact on my life. I grew a lot each day at Roger Bacon and have some amazing memories that I will always cherish. While it isn't a large sum of money, it shows my appreciation and gratitude for everything Roger Bacon has given me. It’s easy to support such a great place that has even better people. The family atmosphere is something you cannot find anywhere else and it’s a place where alumni can come back and still feel at home."
"Roger Bacon helped shape us into who we are today and will always hold a special place in our hearts. Roger Bacon taught us lessons that are helping us achieve our goals as we head into the end of our college careers. Those lessons will stay with us beyond college as well! We’ve met some incredible friends, families, coaches, and faculty that have made a huge impact on our lives through Roger Bacon. One of the many things we learned during our time as Spartans was the importance of giving back!"
"As a very proud 1983 graduate of Our Lady of the Angels High School, I will tell everybody within the sound of my voice how my Catholic education changed my life. I came to OLA from a public school and found things so different in such a great way. Those years were three of the greatest years of my life and every day was full of learning, activities and friendships. Even though OLA closed its doors, I will continue to support Roger Bacon, as it is a continuation of the wonderful school that I went to! At OLA, I counted. And today, my monthly gift counts!"
"Roger Bacon provided me with a foundation of growth, that of which propelled me to explore and experience many new opportunities to advance in both my personal and professional life. As a graduate of the 2014 class, I still maintain contact with many teachers, advisors, and former students, some of which are my best and closest friends. I will forever be grateful for the special individuals at RB and though the amount of which I am donating cannot match the appreciation I have, I am more than excited to be able to give back to such a wonderful institution. Hail Spartans!"