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Evening for Excellence $10,000 Grand Raffle sponsored by the Roger Bacon Alumni Association! Click DETAILS to purchase your chances!

Annual Fund Drive

The Annual Fund provides the necessary dollars to cover the “funding gap” between our tuition and the actual cost of educating a Roger Bacon Spartan. Thanks to the yearly gifts from our loyal alumni, parents, friends, faculty, and staff we are able to directly impact the lives of our students and provide a quality Franciscan education. In other words, gifts toward the AFD help makes us who we are... and WE ARE RB!

The success of this year's AFD is pivotal to meeting our operational requirements and ensuring the affordability of our tuition. Our goal for the 2024 - 25 school year is $720,000.

We have done our best to make giving to the Annual Fund Drive as seamless as possible. We thank you in advance for your help. Every gift, regardless of its size, is impactful.

Thank you for helping to make us who we are... WE ARE RB!

Monthly giving

A monthly gift is a great way to contribute without dramatically impacting your wallet. Click here and select recurring gift or call the Office of Advancement at 513.641.1313 to schedule a monthly gift.

Online Giving

Giving online is an easy and convenient way to make your contribution. Click here and you will be directed to a safe and secure website.

Traditional Mail

Send your gift via check to:
Roger Bacon High School Office of Advancement
4320 Vine Street
Cincinnati, OH 45217

Please be sure to write "Annual Fund Donation" in the memo field.


Send your gift via Venmo to @RogerBacon. Click here to be directed right to our Venmo account.

Please be sure to write "Annual Fund Donation" along with your contact information in the comment section.

Donate stock

Call the Office of Advancement at 513.641.1313 for more details.

Maximize the impact of your contribution through your company’s matching funds program. Click here for a complete list of companies that match your gift!