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Future Spartans
Incoming freshman interested in attending Roger Bacon High School or any Archdiocesan high school must take the High School Placement Test (HSPT).
The HSPT will be offered at Roger Bacon and across the Archdiocese on Saturday, November 22, 2025. The cost is $30.00 and it must be paid prior to the day of the test. Students should arrive at Roger Bacon by 8:00 A.M. The HSPT will begin at 8:30 AM, and the test will end around 12:00 P.M. A registration link will be added to this page when available. The deadline to register is November 19th, 2025.
Students may take the test at any Archdiocesan high school they are eligible to attend, and have the option of sending their results to up to three different schools. If you are taking the test at another school, please select to have those results sent to Roger Bacon.
The Admissions Office uses the results of the HSPT for admissions considerations, as well as course placement. We also utilize this information to help guide decisions on academic scholarships, as well as admission to the Freshman Honors Program.
For students requesting accommodations during the HSPT, accommodation records (IEP/ISP/504/Accommodation Plan) should be provided to Roger Bacon from your grade school along Archdiocese of Cincinnati High School Placement Test Accommodation Form. Roger Bacon will need to receive this information by Wednesday, November 8, 2025.
Make-up Test Date
In special cases where students are unable to test on the official test date, Roger Bacon will offer a make-up HSPT, currently scheduled for Tuesday, December 5, 2025. Unfortunately, we cannot provide accommodations for this make-up date. If you need to test on the make-up date, then please register through the Archdiocese of Cincinnati HSPT Registration Page (when available). Registration for the make-up test will open on Saturday, November 22, 2025.
If you have any questions about the High School Placement Test, please contact the Office of Admission at admissions@rogerbacon.org or 513-641-1300.