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Travel Opportunities at Roger Bacon

Roger Bacon High School's dedication to developing the mind, heart, soul, and bodies of our students includes providing once-in-a-lifetime enrichment opportunities while eliminating all financial obstacles. Our Assisi Scholars Program, San Juan Bautista Pilgrimage and the St. Clare Society are all-expenses-paid enrichment opportunities that allow Roger Bacon students to turn the world into a classroom.

The Assisi Scholars Program - an Honors program unlike any other. This program is designed to offer all of the rigorous academic, spiritual and leadership development one expects from a top academic program. Students are expected to take the highest level of courses Roger Bacon offers, while demonstrating their excellence not just in academics, but also by being involved in the school and community initiatives. The reward for this great achievement is an all-expense paid pilgrimage to Rome and Assisi, Italy their senior, year.

“After 12 years of catholic education I was completely burnt out on the entire topic by the time I was 13. The experiences that I had In Assisi, with some of the best people I have ever met and had the honor of spending that week with, are what made any part of the program and trip meaningful. It breathed new life into my spiritual side and my outlook on faith and God went from a “no way” to a “what if.” This significance of that cannot be overstated. It snowballed into multiple observations of myself and the world and people around me. It has shaped me since I found a piece of myself I didn’t know I was looking for in Assisi during that week with those people." - Charlie, Class of '21

Click here to read more about our Assisi Scholars Program

The San Juan Bautista Pilgrimage occurs in the spring, as Roger Bacon students travel to the missions of California. The 2023 trip visited northern California for an all-expenses paid pilgrimage to the Franciscan missions. This trip included visits to the San Juan Bautista mission as well as missions in Monterey, Carmel and San Francisco. These missions serve as historical and cultural treasures which highlight the history and archelogy of early-California and Native American cultures. Other highlights include students celebrating mass together amongst the redwoods at Yosemite National Forest, walking the Golden Gate Bride, and having the chance to meet with some of our esteemed west coast alumni for dinner.

"The trip to California was amazing. One of our guides, Andy, was awesome. He offered a Native American perspective and expertise on all of the California missions, and he never failed to make us laugh. The little mass that we had at Yosemite was a really nice idea and I thought it helped me especially because I found it easier to experience God through nature. This trip also gave me the chance to see so many new perspectives. I got to get close to classmates I don’t get to talk to as much, and to experience the many cultures of San Francisco. The trip also offered me an opportunity to connect to my faith in a different and new way. At home faith can get kind of stagnant, but visiting the missions we got to see so many different ways that people worship and to learn about the history of our faith." - Kate, Class of 2024

Click here to read more about the San Juan Bautista Pilgrimage

The purpose of the St. Clare Society is to assist student enrichment through the pursuit of unique educational, cultural, and faith-based opportunities by eliminating any financial obstacles that may have otherwise restricted student access. This includes opportunities that may present themselves to Roger Bacon students individually, as well as more structured class trips, such as a visit to historic Gettysburg, a biology trip to Yosemite National Park, or a trip to Fogarty Innovation Institute in California, as examples. Once again, these trips will be all-expenses paid, eliminating obstacles students may have from accessing these important educational opportunities.

Click here to read more about the St. Clare Society