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Alumni Profiles
Class of 2014
Although he didn't recognize it at the time, Joshua Engel's experiences at Roger Bacon provided the structure and opportunities he needed to grow into his future success.
"The academics, athletics, fine arts and faith formation at Roger Bacon all played an integral role in my development after graduation," says Joshua. "From day one, Honors and AP level courses at Roger Bacon prepared me for the academic rigors of my undergraduate studies. This was key to the next step in my journey. I was accepted into the United States Air Force Academy which typically has a 12% acceptance rate. At the Air Force Academy, cadets must carry a heavy academic load, perform military training and meet rigorous physical fitness requirements"
A soccer player and wrestler at Roger Bacon, Joshua attributes these experiences with providing his first leadership opportunities, while also making physical fitness a regular part of his life. He was able to capitalize on both of these at the Air Force Academy. "While at the Air Force Academy, I was named to the Athletic Directors list based on physical fitness scores as well as the Commandant's list based on military performance. Additionally, I participated in the Judo club for 3 years earning medals in local and regional tournaments," shares Joshua, who also states he was able to maintain balance with participation in both concert and Pep Band, providing a recreational outlet and appreciation for the arts.
Joshua also states, "Roger Bacon also provided a solid faith foundation, making me more comfortable taking leadership positions within the Cadet Catholic Community. While at the Air Force Academy I trained new cadets in basic training, helped organize and participate in Christian retreats for cadets, and led the Catholic Choir in providing musical services."
Joshua was a regular on the Air Force Dean's list, and scored in the top 5% nationally on the MCAT. Although he planned to attend Georgetown University School of Medicine in Washington DC upon graduation from the Air Force Academy, on his final day of senior exams a Colonel called to inform him that the Air Force determined he would attend the Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences (the military medical school), located on the campus of Walter Reed Memorial Hospital in Bethesda Maryland. This decision ended up being life-changing in more ways than one. "I met Melissa, my wife and fellow med school graduate there," shares Joshua.
Joshua is now an Air Force Physician starting my residency specializing in Emergency Medicine.
"I am forever grateful to my family, as well as the Roger Bacon family that supported me on this incredible journey, states Joshua. "Roger Bacon grads can literally go anywhere and do anything! Go Spartans!"