Evening for Excellence $10,000 Grand Raffle sponsored by the Roger Bacon Alumni Association! Click DETAILS to purchase your chances!
Check out these businesses for any of your needs with close ties to our alumni!
Business Type | Business Name | Website | Contact Info |
Apparel | 513 Custom Apparel | www.513customapparel.com | 513.766.1294 - 513customapparel@gmail.com |
Locksmith/Alarm System | A-1 Valley Locksmith/A-1 Security Group | www.a1valleylock-security.com | 513.509.9842/513.771.1533 - jschmidtgj@gmail.com |
Fitness/Gym | Assault Fitness | https://www.facebook.com/AssaultFit/ | (513) 304-3929 - assaultfit@gmail.com |
Restaurant | Athenian Restaurant | www.athenian-sharonville.com | 513.733.8482 - billkanelopoulos69@gmail.com |
Outdoor Power Equipment | Bud Herbert Motors, Inc. | www.budherbert.com | 513.541.3290/513.367.9669 - office@budherbert.com |
Construction | Cincinnati Home Solutions | www.cincinnatihomesolutions.com | 513.288.2227 - jay@cincinnatihomesolutions.com |
Industrial Manufaturing | Cincinnati Pattern and CNC Machining | www.cinpat.com | 513.241.9872 - mbcinpat@fuse.net |
Golf Course | Cincinnati Recreation Commission Golf | www.cincygolf.org | 513.290.5397 - pschildmeyer@cincygolf.org |
IT Network Management | CincyPCS | www.cincypcs.com | 513.871.3600 - jay@cincypcs.com |
Food Truck | City Belle Fried Pies | www.citybellefriedpies.com | 513.330.2242 - citybellefriedpies@gmail.com |
Primary Care Doctor | Concierge Medicine of Cincinnati | www.conciergemedicineofcincinnati.com | 513.760.5511 - info@cmocincinnati.com |
Counseling | Continuum Counseling & Meditation | www.continuumcounselingmeditation.com | 513.549.1680 - carrie@continuumcounselingmeditation.com |
Insurance | Don Schlosser Insurance | N/A | 513.708.7997 - DJSINS@aol.com |
Gift Shop/Custom Framing | Frame House Gallery/Kathy's Komer Gift Shop | www.framehousegalleryoh.com | 513.792.0111 - framehousegallery1@gmail.com |
Plumbing; HVAC & Electric | Frank Niesen Company | www.frankniesencompany.com | 513.541.4444 - fnco1884@gmail.com |
Electrical Services | Frey Electric, Inc. | http://www.freyelectric.com/ | 513.385.0700 - peg@freyelectric.com |
Electrical Services | Gerke Electric | https://www.gerkeelectric.com/ | 513-641-5385 nathan.gerke@gerkeelectric.com |
Construction | GNO Construction | N/A | 513.310.0061 - gno13@yahoo.com |
Apparel | Gottcha Covered MFG | N/A | (513) 829-7555 - nick@gottchacovered.com |
Tax & Accounting | Gutzwiller Tax + Accounting | https://www.gutzwillercpa.com/ | 513.285.5000 |
Photography | Idle Media and Design | http://www.idlemediaanddesign.com/ | 317-683-0068 - george@idlemediaanddesign.com |
Media Relations | Joy Tribble | https://joytribble.com/ | justnjoy8@yahoo.com |
Construction | Kamphaus Plastering LLC | N/A | 513.479.9213 - kamphausplastering@fioptics.com |
Automotive Sales & Service | Kelsey Chevrolet | https://www.kelseychev.com/ | (812) 777-5357 |
Pizzeria | Mac's Pizza Pub (Cold Spring, KY) | https://macspizzapub.com/macs-pizza-pub-cold-spring/ | 859.781.6227 - dalen@macpizzapub.com |
Plumbing | Mike Petit Plumbing Co LLC | N/A | 513.301.4790 - mikepetit1977@yahoo.com |
Insurance | Murphy Insurance Agency, Inc. | www.murphyinsagency.com | 513.574.3700 - ryan@murphyinsagency.com |
Jeweler | Schwartz Jewelers | schwartzjewelers.net | 513.541.5627 - schwartz.jewelers@fuse.net |
Excavation, Demolition, Utilities Contractor | Sehlhorst Equipment Services | www.sehlhorst.com | 513.353.9300 - info@sehlhorst.com/david@sehlhorst.com |
Nutrition | Sound Bites Nutrition | www.soundbitesnutrition.com | 513.675.6780 - lisa@soundsbitesnutrition.com |
Live Music Performance | Sound Body Jazz Orchestra | www.sbjazzorchestra.com/ | 513-520-2253 - ed.ratterman@gmail.com |
Pressure Washing | Spaeth Pressure Washing, LLC | www.facebook.com/SpaethPressureWashing | 513.638.0666 - spaethpressurewashing@yahoo.com |
Bakery/Café | Sweet Encounter | https://www.sweetencounterbakery.com/ | (517) 730-5005 desserts@sweetencounterbakery.com |
Sports/Fitness | The Plus Strut | https://www.theplusstrut.com/ | https://www.theplusstrut.com/contact-us |
Automotive Sales & Service | Theis Motor Company | www.theismotors.com | 513.544.1011 - theismc@aol.com |
Winery | Walker Road Vineyard | https://www.walkerroadvineyards.com/ | 203.263.0768 |
Jeweler | Welling & Co. Jewelers | https://wellingandco.com/ | 513-779-8883 |
Travel Agent | Where 2 Next? By Adaiah Lowery | www.adaiahlowery.inteletravel.com | 513.290.6287 - where2nextadaiah@yahoo.com |
Want to get your business added? Reach out to Brian Reed at breed@rogerbacon.org with your info!